Chapter 106

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One Hundred and Six

You didn't move a muscle when you heard that another person walked into the room. Your stomach clenched involuntarily though but you were determined to not move. You squeezed your eyes closed when you felt them sit on the bed. With all of the guys' energy everywhere in excess around the ship it was impossible to tell who had come into your room. At least up to the point that they'd started talking.

"I don't think you should have hit Gohan," Trunks said reasonable. "He was just asking you a question."

You curled in tighter to the pillow that you'd been holding. Trunks was right of course. You really shouldn't have hit Gohan. You also really didn't want to hear something like that from Trunks. Or from anybody. You weren't ready; the anger which churned in your stomach mixed up all of your other emotions into a blinding tsunami.

"Leave," you told Trunks in a clipped, possibly broken tone.

He didn't listen. No one listened anymore.

"Not until you're ready to come out and say you're sorry."

A bitter, hateful thought wormed its way up and almost made its way out of your mouth. You bit it back with such intensity that holding it in felt nauseating. Your arms wrapped around the pillow so tightly that it was a wonder that it was still a pillow at all.

"Why are you so angry anyways?" Trunks asked bluntly. "Jeez, he was just asking about a shower. Seems like a stupid thing to get mad about."

"It wasn't just about the shower, Trunks, now get out."

"I told you that I'm not leaving until you say you're sorry to Gohan," Trunks said stubbornly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Well now a part of you just wanted to out stubborn the lilac haired adult-child. Which wasn't fair to Gohan obviously but the sensation washed over you with a shocking amount of tenacity.

Trunks laid back on the bed after a couple of minutes of tense silence. He fully intended to keep to his word and not leave until you were ready to tell Gohan that you were sorry. So he made himself comfortable on the bed. Somehow that was easier to do than normal. He could feel almost every muscle in his body relax as he took in deep breaths. You listened as Trunks relaxed so much that it would have been easy to believe he'd fallen asleep. All the while the anger and guilt churned in your stomach.

Balancing everything was a lot harder than you thought it would be and you knew that it wasn't going to get any easier. In fact you were pretty sure that balancing all the men in your life was only going to get harder from this point on if Goku's little behaviors were any sort of clue. And you also knew that you really had no one to blame but yourself regardless of the fact that you were currently mad at Goku and Gohan both. You have spun a sticky, messy web and now that things were getting trapped in it you were having a hard time dealing with everything. Like Goku's comments; how he brought up the past every chance he could in front of Gohan. It didn't even have to be sexual in nature for him to create tension. You had felt that tense cloud forming even when he had brought up the fact that you used to cook seasoned rice to eat a lot. The saddest part was that you missed Goku's goofy, rice covered face as he sat down bowl after bowl even though he was the reason why your juggling act had gotten harder.

You almost jumped when you felt Trunks scoot in closer. You wrapped your tail over your hip so that you didn't make a bigger mess of things accidentally. Trunks breathed out deeply as he laid out so closely. Meanwhile you were very still and unsure of what to do. For you it hadn't been that long ago when you had let Goku sleep next to you much like Trunks was doing now. It had seemed like a mostly innocent act back then - and given that there had usually only been one bed it had been mostly reasonable. Now you knew better than then; sleeping beside someone might not have been as innocent as you'd once thought. At least judging by Goku and Gohan...then again Gohan had only started sharing your bed after you shared your body with him whereas Goku had been the exact opposite.

"Scoot back Trunks," you said quietly.

"What for? I'm comfy."

"You wanted to be all grown up. Grown ups don't sleep this close together."

"Mom and dad do. So do you and Gohan."

You gritted your teeth and squeezed your eyes closed. You needed far more patience than you currently had to deal with the supersized twerp.

"Yes, but only because Gohan and I are together. Like your mom and dad are."

"Yeah but mom and dad are together because they had me. You're not having Gohan's kid, you're having his dad's. So why aren't you sleeping with him?"

Guilt, frustration and anger chewed at your insides. Was that always going to get brought up now? Were you going to be reminded that you chose to give birth to Goku's offspring instead of letting Gohan impregnate you first? Why did people always have to focus on your pregnancy over what you were telling them?

"And Broly! He's been sleeping next to you just like this since we got to Namek! Goten said you let him sleep next to you too. It's not fair."

"Fair?"  That was the last straw.

You turned over so that you could face him. You were nose to nose with the lilac haired half saiyan. You had to pick one eye over the other to glare at him. And for the first time you realized that unlike with the others, you could really see a difference between his pupil and his iris. He had human eyes, for better or for worse.

"You want to talk about fair? Is it fair that at fifteen I was told I might not live past eighteen at best? Or that I didn't even get a childhood because some twisted guy in space had harvest all my organs and was siphoning my blood and marrow? Or that I didn't know about any of that until after I'd started to die? Or how about the fact that Goku stormed into my life, making me fall in love with him, only to go off and marry that fucking woman while I was getting healed because Kami made him forget about me? And if that wasn't unfair enough let's thrown in the fact that I'm about to be a mother because of how fucked up the situation with Broly is. So now no matter how hard I try I'm just the saiyan whore who ruined Gohan's family to everyone who knows the situation. And I can't do anything about it. I can't even get a job to take care of myself and the baby inside me. I don't know what I'm doing anymore because it all came crashing down on me. So tell me —- Is any of that fair? No. It's messed up. So don't talk to me about what's fair and not fair Trunks. You have no idea."

Trunks was quiet for a moment as you did your best to stare him down. Then you felt him wrap his arms around you. It took you a minute to realize that you'd started crying at some point; your anger, guilt, frustration, and sadness had sprung a leak. You stayed straight in Trunks' awkward hug as you and he laid on the bed. Slowly you softened up and buried yourself into him even as you tried to regain your composure. Trunks was quiet as your emotions continued to leak out of you. He suddenly realized how small you felt in his arms. He had told you that you were short before, when he first transformed, but it sunk in just how much bigger he really was as he held you. Which only made him tighten his hug and curl in towards you more protectively like his mother used to do with him. It was a nice feeling even if he felt bad that you were crying. And he started to understand why his dad kept wanting to get stronger and stronger. If his mom felt this small to his dad even if they were the same height, it was no wonder that his dad wanted to get stronger to protect her. Granted Trunks didn't quite grasp all of his father's motivations but he was starting on his own form of understanding that's had nothing to do with childish games.

"I'll help you," Trunks said seriously. "We'll all help okay? Please don't cry anymore. It'll get better."

Which only really made you feel worse to be honest. You were clinging to someone that should still be a kid. And now he was telling you that he was going to help because you couldn't help yourself. It made you feel pathetic.

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