Chapter 58

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter fifty-eight

"But why can't we go see if she's okay?" Goten asked his brother for the third time in the last hour.

Goten was sporting multiple bruises, but Gohan felt as though his younger brother had gotten off lightly all things considered. The last time he'd faced Broly, right before Cell, the legendary super saiyan had wiped the floor with them before they were able to stop him. He still couldn't believe that Trunks, Videl, and Goten hadn't been hurt a lot. At least they hadn't been hurt by comparison. Especially Videl - Gohan was almost shocked to see the fact that nothing was broken. She'd suffered worse in the tournament than in Broly's hands. He was almost grateful to Broly for taking it easy on all of them. Which was not a sentiment that Gohan ever would have thought he felt towards the brute.

"She's fine," Gohan tried to assure him as Dende walked over.

Gohan looked to Trunks and Videl. Thanks to Dende's healing powers both of them were right as rain. Videl even started to look around, mystified that they were so high up. Gohan supposed the lookout was impressive. It had just been many years since he'd experienced a similar sensation. He'd forgotten what it had been like.

"But she's not! She's with the big meanie!" Goten protested as Dende got to work healing him. "You're supposed to protect her!"

"Between all of us squirt, I think she's the one who needs to be protected from him the least," Gohan said with a faint, lopsided smile even though his stomach churned uneasily. "She figured out how to get him to calm down."

"No!" Goten insisted stubbornly. "He's going to hurt her! We need to get her back!"

Gohan had to hold his brother still before he took off and did something rash. He thanked Dende as the guardian of Earth finished healing up his brother. As Gohan looked back down at his six year old brother, he realized that Goten was much more upset then he would have imagined. As he was already on his knees to hold the younger half saiyan down, all Gohan had to do was speak out.

"Hey, why are you so upset Goten?"

Goten trembled though he tried not to. He wanted to be brave and strong like his big brother and his father. But it was hard. He didn't feel brave. He felt scared.

"He's going to hurt her," Goten reiterated. "He's so strong Gohan. Trunks and I tried everything. But we couldn't hurt him. I think he might be stronger than you."

"Yeah, Broly is really strong. He probably is stronger than me," Gohan admitted quietly. "But sometimes it's not all about strength Goten. You have to be able to fight smart too. You have to be able to out think and out maneuver your opponent. And that's where your big brother has the advantage."

With watery eyes, Goten rubbed his face with his sleeve. "But what if he hurts her? What if he decides to make her marry him instead? Like the bad guys from tv?"

Gohan tried not to imagine everything that Goten was implying without knowing it. The thought alone was enough to make the uneasy feeling in his stomach worse.

"Dad promised that when he came back we'd be a family. That I'd have a sister to play with soon," the youngest child spoke in a shaky voice. "But if Broly decides to keep her and marry her, then she can't marry you! She won't be able to be my new big sister. It won't matter if we find the dragonballs or not then!"

There was a lot to take in from what Goten just said. Least of all the fact that he'd been looking for the dragonballs. That actually explained why the tree of them had been exploring the world. Gohan looked over to Trunks and Videl to see them both listening intensively. It wasn't until he saw the look of disbelief on Videl's face that he realized what she had overheard. Goten kept insisting that he, Gohan, was going to marry you. He turned red as his mind worked through what Goten had been saying about their dad.

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