Chapter 2

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Two

"So will you hit me now?"

It had been about an hour since Goku and you had left the burger place. While the food digested you had taken a lazy stroll towards one of the city's major parks. It provided a nice change of pace from the normal cityscape. The trees were all in full bloom and the well cared for grass was cool and sweet. You'd taken a seat under one of the trees, resting as the food continued towards your stomach.

Goku didn't seem to want the same break. In fact he seemed more energetic than ever. Maybe he was like you - a falling star. That might explain what the ignorant (and innocent) man was doing in the middle of the city. If his bodily systems were too functional for his own good that would be quite the coincidence. Or maybe it meant that there was something happening like an oils spill or radioactivity where and when you and he were born. Still that sucked for him just as much as it sucked for you.

"What's your obsession with getting hit?" You asked, not even looking up at him.

"I'm training with Kami for the next World Martial Arts tournament. He sent me down to get experience. But I didn't understand what he meant when he sent me down. I've got a lot of experience fighting. I think I understand now though. He wanted me to meet strong people before the tournament!"

In your gut something told you that's not what this "Kami" person meant. Like the muscular man before you didn't even know how to order at a fast food place! How did someone get through their life without even learning that? Sure he could have come down from the mountains to get fighting experience but from the little you'd seen it was just as likely that he'd been sent down to get life experience.

"So will you hit me?"

"You're serious about that?"

You looked up just as he smiled. He was pretty cute, you had to admit that. His hair kind of through you off though. It looked like he used galleons of hairspray on it considering how it stood on end. But somehow it moved in the most normal of ways when a breeze passed through the park.


You got up and stood in front of him. He got excited and his smile increased to a grin as you dusted off your bottom.

"Okay, Okay. But I'm not hitting you in the face okay? Put up your hands so it looks like we're just practicing."

"Like this?" Goku asked.

He took a full fighting position. And from the little you understood of martial arts his form was good. It was just that he looked like he was going for a full out match. Which wouldn't work for your purposes. You didn't want people to think that you were actually fighting and get in trouble for that just Incase he was a little touched in the head. Although from a distance you supposed that it wouldn't really make a difference with the subtle changes you intended to make. But was the principle of the thing.

"Almost. Relax your stance. It doesn't need to be so pronounced. Just enough to keep you balanced and a little of an angle. And don't clench your fists. Put them up like this, they're the targets," you spoke out demonstration Get what you said with your own body.

Goku mirrored you almost instantly. He was really good at taking instructions. He even had a large, trusting look on his face to accentuate the fact that he was following all of your commands.

"Okay so I'm not a fighter. Not like a martial artist at least. I'm not training for anything. So don't get your hopes up too much," you preluded.


"I'm going to hit your hands a few times. I guess the goal is that they get stronger the more I do it and warm up. That's what the movies always show..."

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