Chapter 27

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Twenty-seven

You know what was worse than Gohan sitting in front of you during a majority of classes? P.E.

Yep. You actually loved P.E now; it was nice actually being able to do something and not having to worry about collapsing or if your heart was going to burst. And out of school it was your best subject. That really wasn't something shocking. You'd gotten used to your body working how it should and it worked leagues better than any human you'd ever seen. You'd been stronger and faster before your adopted parents had replaced all your organs with ones that actually worked in your body, and now that you had felt like cheating.

You kind of enjoyed cheating just a little bit too much.

Your tail wrapped around your hips as you exited the locker room in your gym clothes. Apparently you did that at the wrong (or right depending on your point of view) moment because you were stopped. There was a spike of energy behind you. It was small compared to what you had a feeling was inside of him but it showed you that he'd slipped a bit in surprise. Your tail compounded the problem as it twitched nervously.

Well damn.

"Hey, you," Gohan called out in a serious voice.

"Yes Gohan?" You asked without having to turn around.

"What are you doing here?"

He was pretty straight to the point. So you decided to be pretty direct with him as well. "I'm heading to P.E."

"I mean on Earth."

Oh. Well that was rude.

"I live here," you told him with a frown, turning back to look at him.

"But you're..."

He suddenly got nervous as he realized that he was around other kids. Most of whom were passing him up on their way to the field. Gohan caught up with you as you turned around to face him. He deserved at least a little bit of respect. Though it was pretty hard to give it to him considering the fact that all you wanted to do was run away. Even after only being around him for half a day there was some pretty conflicting feelings. You wanted to hate the symbol that he was but at the same time...he didn't deserve to be hated. He had no control over Goku's actions. And if you really wanted to think about it, neither had Goku. But it was a lot easier to be angry at the man. So much easier.

"You're a saiyan aren't you?" Gohan finally whispered when he got close to you.

"Apparently, yes," you told him in a slightly soured tone.

Because way to go parents - hiding that from you for years. Life might have been easier if you'd known that from the start. Maybe. You really didn't have a basis for if it would or wouldn't have seeing as you couldn't test it out.

"Wait, what do you mean apparently?"

You'd confused him. He had that cute head tilt too. You were torn between smiling and running away from him. You tried to do neither of those options. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

"It's a long, very complicated story. Here is the simplest version I can possibly give you okay? Yes I'm a saiyan, no I'm not here to make people run and scream, no I'm not here for the dragonballs anymore, and yes I'm actually a student here. Are we okay now?"

Gohan stared at you as he tightened his head back up. He was taller than Goku had been. His shoulders were a bit leaner. But from what you could see of his collarbone his muscle mass was at least maintained. You looked up towards his eyes to watch for his reaction. They were just as wide and innocent looking as you remembered Goku's being. And just as dark.

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