Chapter 114

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen

"It's been so nice to have your father home, hasn't it Goten?"

"Uh-Huh. Especially now that he's all better!" Goten replied happily.

Chichi smiled at her youngest son. He was sitting in front of his father. From the looks of things he was trying to show him all his toys. Her smile twitched and faded when she noticed that every couple of seconds Goku looked out of the window and frowned. His hands were on his knees as he sat on the ground in the main room with Goten just a few feet away from her. Even with how close he was, Goku's mind was hundreds of miles away.

"Isn't it nice to be back home with your family, Goku?" Chichi asked as she forced a smile.

Goku frowned completely this time. "It's just you and Goten here. Not the whole family."

He meant that you weren't there of course. Chichi made herself believe that he meant Gohan. She turned back around to start working on the dishes from lunch. If she was lucky she'd be done before she needed to start dinner. Not that she minded; it was just nice to have Goku home for once. Even if he had been injured until just a couple of hours ago when Yajirobe brought the beans over. He'd made the rounds as soon as the beans were ready.

Goku might have been concerned that they had gone through the batch so quickly if it wasn't for the fact that he had bigger problems. Namely that he still couldn't sense energy or use it in any way. Which meant that short of using Nimbus to search the world, he couldn't find you. He'd been stuck at home on the mountain for days and he hadn't so much as gotten one look at you.

"Maybe we can do something together when Gohan comes home," Chichi said, oblivious to the mood her husband was putting off. "He's at school right now but he'll be back for dinner."

"Big brother's not at school right now," Goten disputed as he mashed two of his toys together until they formed into one. "He's with Bella—"

Chichi snapped a dish. Her forced smile turned into absolute loathing. The fires of hell practically radiated off of her as she turned around.

"What?!" Chichi asked with more emotion than Goten had been prepared for.

"He always goes to see her around lunch time," Goten supplied.

At which point Goku really couldn't sit still anymore. Energy or no energy, he was going to find you. Even without his energy he made it out of the door and onto Nimbus before Chichi could stop him.


You smiled as you wiggled your toes in the sand. The fine grains were going to get everywhere of course but you really couldn't care less. The ocean licked the sand from your toes as it lapped at your feet. As it waned back out, you felt Gohan sit beside you. With a pleasant smile on your face you leaned into him. All the while he blushed and looked around nervously almost as though he expected his mom to jump out at any moment. Considering that you'd found an island that had been overgrown with trees to place your space ship house on, you very much doubted even Chichi could ruin the moment. Still, wyou felt how uncomfortable he was, you leaned back away from him. Instead you moved to lean more towards your knees. Only you couldn't go the whole way. The bump on your lower stomach stopped you from hugging your legs as tightly as you would have liked. Frowning you poked at your belly.

"It looks like I've put on fat," you spoke your mind as you poked your abdomen.

"So? You're pregnant."

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