Chapter 107

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One Hundred and Seven

The sun was shining to the point that it was almost uncomfortable to stand outside. It was like the world was moving out of spring and into pre-summer. With the real summer just around the bend that only made sense. And although that was a little bothersome there was something else happening that made it easier to deal with.

Bulma has just given you the space ship. Like it was nothing. It was a fully contained system that utilized both fuel and solar energy to run everything. Three bedrooms, one bathroom, a full kitchen with an attached dinette, and plenty of storage space. On top of that there was the gravity chamber to use when you got too antsy.

"Are you sure?" You asked in a pressing voice.

"Positive. I know from experience how hard being pregnant with a saiyan is," Bulma answered good naturedly. "No need to add more stress on to that. Think of it like a baby shower gift."

If she was up for giving houses as presents to people she barely knew, you really wanted to see what she gave her close friends. Just out of curiosity. This house, spaceship, represented a lot of blood, sweat, and tears no doubt. And while it wasn't the most conventional of houses it would be perfect for you.

"Thank you. So much. have no idea how grateful I am."

Now you just needed to find an area remote enough to put it. You didn't want to have to deal with real estate agents or law enforcement after all.

Bulma smiled in a kind, polite way as she shrugged. "You really should thank Trunks. He was the one who asked if you could keep it. I just agreed. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I did since I want to help but he's the one that came up with the idea."

Your gut twisted beneath the surface. If it was Trunks' idea was it still okay to accept it? You didn't want to let him think that you'd stay with him or anything of that nature. And how would Gohan and Goku react to the fact that Trunks had basically just given you a house? You weren't sure. You were sure that you shouldn't feel stressed from that but you did. Hopefully they took it in stride.

You moved back over to the space ship where Broly was standing like a sentry. Gohan and Goku were inside passed out over one another. You couldn't exactly remember why they'd started fighting but based on the evidence it had been over you. Which was why you'd let them sleep just as how Trunks had been asleep. Besides when you'd went to wake that particular half saiyan up you realized that he had looked far too good stretched out, shirtless, on his stomach; you had turned around and hadn't looked back after realizing what you were thinking.

That didn't stop you from hugging him when he walked out of the ship as you approached. He looked surprised and felt awkward until you told him exactly why you'd decided to invade his personal space this time.

"Thank you for helping me Trunks. The ship is going to take so much stress off; you have no idea. So thank you."

"It's not a big deal," Trunks said in confusion. "Mom was going to give it to me anyways but I figured you could use it more."

You buried your head into him as you hugged him tighter. You were afraid that the relief and gratefulness in your face might have been mistaken for something else if you looked up at him. As greatful as you were you had no intention of giving the large child any untoward notions. Awkwardly you pulled back and stepped back into a more appropriate space. Only to find that Broly had moved behind you and had decided your shoulders were his new hand rests.

"I want to see more of Earth now."

"Right now?" You asked with an 'Are you serious?' tone.

You heard him make a sound of affirmation. Still feeling your nerves bundle up even as stress left your chest, you nodded. You looked to Trunks, the spaceship and then back to Trunks. You would have tried to look at Bulma but Broly was pretty much blocking your vision. So you decided to use a proxy.

"Would it be okay with your mom if I left it here for the day? I can try to find somewhere to go with it tonight."

Right after you learn to pilot it. The location for New Namek had already been plugged in by Bulma before you left to go get Goku. So not only did you need to find a spot you also needed to find a way to get the spaceship there safely. It wasn't like you could carry it on your back. You were strong but you weren't that strong; not physically at least.

Once you got confirmation from Trunks and Bulma, you moved into the sky. Though you nearly fell out of it when you felt Broly grab your hand in his. Holding hands; he was holding your hand. Despite the fact that you knew nothing good could come of it you also didn't know what to do about it. If regular human guys murdered people when women rebuffed them...what would someone like Broly be capable of?


You smiled as you slowly lead Broly away from the shore line. Somehow the big lug didn't even look that cold despite the fact that he was just in a sweatsuit while in near arctic conditions. You had just a couple layers on as you hovered over the ice with just enough energy to stay up, not enough to crack the ice underneath you. Despite your reassurances it seemed that Broly didn't seemed pleased. In fact he was glaring at the ice.

"Hey, if you're cold and want to go, just tell me," you tried to give him that out.

His fists clenched and the muscles under the surface shifted, tightening. His energy flicked about him in angry waves. So much so that he was the one to crack the ice under your feet. Cold water rushed up at you to the point that it nearly made you scream as you lost your breath. You took to the air by shooting up like a rocket. The air rushed past you with freezing shards melting on your cheek as you cut through it. But nothing was more chilling than the fact that Broly has risen up to where you were and he looked pissed.

"You brought me here," Broly's rumbling voice made the non-existent hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

"I thought you'd have fun!" You tried to defend yourself as you opened your arms, motioning to everything g around you in a sort of panic.

You quick paced movements were a mistake. Broly has a hand around your throat with a sneer on his lips.

"Fun? You thought going back to my prison would be fun?"

...shit you did not think this trip through. You felt panic rising as he continued to apply pressure to your throat. You fought the instant to reach up but lost when he jerked you closer to his body.

"This is not fun," Broly said in a dark voice.

With how he had his hand around your throat, talking didn't seem wise. Not even when he released some of the pressure. It also didn't help that as he did so waves of power flooded your senses. Waves that did not belong to Broly.

Goku, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta (surprisingly enough) had gotten to the scene. And while none of the boys were happy with what they saw, two of them in particular seemed to take great offense. Unlike last time there was something different in Broly's eyes when his least favorite person appeared.

Goku transmitted himself to be right behind you with Gohan not far off. Trunks and Vegeta rose to finish the circle off, a circle where you and Broly were the center point. The only person that Broly seemed to pay attention to was the same one that created such a difference in him compared to last time. Hate; there was hate in his eyes.


"Let her go," Goku said firmly.

"Or what?" Broly questioned, his tone a challenge all on its own.

"Or we will make you," Gohan spoke up.

Broly looked at you and for a moment you could have sworn you saw a flicker of...something. A shift. But it disappeared when the boys closed in a little more.

You were flung through the air with little time to prepare yourself. But you managed to put the breaks on before you completely bowled through Gohan. His hands steadied you regardlessly and guided you down to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Gohan asked as he looked at you with a tight form of concern.

"Yeah. Gohan I'm—-"

"We'll talk later. Right now I need to go help my dad."

You weren't given much of a chance to say anything else as Gohan disappeared before your eyes. Internally you cursed; sometimes you regretted teaching him that technique (not really).

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