Chapter 62

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter sixty-two

Goku trembled as he stood still, his rage building as the conversation continued. He had been watching and listening from just a few feet away as you and Gohan talked about the immediate feature.

At first he had been happy; you had known that he meant to keep his promise, that he was going to come back and stay with you forever. Even if you hadn't seemed happy about it that didn't deter Goku. It was probably just your nerves. He figured you were happy on the inside. After all you quickly worked out how to get around the fact that Shenron couldn't bring him back. You already knew that you'd have to use the Namekian dragon. Which meant that you must have already thought about it. That put a smile on his ghostly face. He wanted to laugh when you brought up the hundreds of children he wanted to have with you. While his numbers weren't as high as they used to be, seeing as he understood how much work a baby and young children were, it was still higher than yours. After all, he'd recently found out that saiyan lifespans were pretty long. And he still couldn't help the urge to be surrounded by children - yours and his.

But that's about where the elated feels started to turn. Something about the idea of wanting to have a lot of kids with you upset Gohan. Goku almost wanted to pat his son on the shoulder to let him know that even if he had ten more sons, Gohan would still be his son too. He couldn't because of the fact that he was a ghost but he wanted to. That paternal urge started to fade as Goku watched as you tried to comfort his son. He'd almost forgotten that you'd been holding hands with Gohan. More than you used to hold least while being still.

Goku's eyes narrowed as he heard what you said about saying "no". His only solace was in the fact that you had a painfilled expression when you said that. The idea that he might not come back hurt you. He was okay with that. What he wasn't okay with was the fact that you went to hug Gohan. He wasn't okay with that part at all.

Goku tried to reach out pull you away from his son so that he could hold you himself. He missed the feeling of your cheek against his chest and how your breathing would match his heartbeat. When he got back he was going to extend that first rule to include no hugging his adult-shaped son. He did not want Gohan to grow to enjoy that feeling or to get used to it. Unfortunately his hand passed through you without any effect at all. Though an odd coiled shaped on his wrist seemed to light up as he tried to wrap his arms around you regardlessly. And even though Gohan couldn't see or feel the ghost of his father at all...Goku stayed right behind you and glared at his son.

Damned right he was going to get Goten to bring him back.

Goku simmered in his spot. The jealousy that coursed through his body only got worse when you said you would keep denying him. Why? Because it would hurt Gohan? Goku had a feeling that Goten wouldn't mind just as long as you stayed with them. He just wanted another friend. Goku planned to give him many more.

His eyes narrowed in concentration as Gohan mentioned something about you going into heat. That happened? More importantly - When? Because the moment he got back he planned to finally consummate the marriage. He was going to remind you how good it felt to be with him in that way because you'd obviously forgotten. And he'd have sex with you every day after that too. That way when you went into heat you'd be so used to (and love!) the feeling of him being inside of you that you wouldn't think of making sure he had a condom on.

So lost in his own thoughts that he didn't instantly put together what you meant when you said "Broly". He knew that the saiyan was there, that he was somehow still alive, but his presence hadn't actually been all that threatening. At least not to you. So he hadn't put much thought into it. Besides he'd only managed to get past the guards maybe thirty minutes before Gohan showed up so it wasn't like he saw that Broly was following you around. Just that you were being nice and showing him how to live peacefully in this world.

And you were right, Goku had every intention of searching for you if Gohan tried to hide you.

Damn, he was starting to think he didn't beat his son hard enough. He kept thinking that he'd let him move you away from his side. Like Gohan would be free to take you from him whenever he wanted. That was something he was going to need to fix pretty quickly. Maybe if his son saw how much you enjoyed being next to and having sex with your husband he'd stop. Goku seriously started to contemplate how to drill that lesson into Gohan's brain.

The more you talked, the more Goku realized what it was that Gohan wanted to protect you from. And he almost felt bad for his earlier thoughts. He wanted to protect you from Broly, not his own father. Goku felt a chill race down his spine as he thought about the fact that Broly might enjoy your scent too. That he might be waiting for it just like he himself had. Goku's fists balled up. Maybe he really needed to start checking to make sure that the people he killed stayed fucking dead.

That murderous sensation was nothing compared to what followed as Gohan talked about you getting pregnant. And not by your husband who was waiting patiently to come back. Oh no. By him.

That's it. You weren't going to need to worry about him fighting Broly when he got back. That saiyan could wait. The first thing that Goku was going to do when he returned (aside from consummating the marriage so many times that you wouldn't be able to walk) was the fact that he was going to murder his oldest son.

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