Chapter 100

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter one hundred

Gohan held your hair in silence as you purged the contents of your stomach. Every time there was a pause, he'd even flush it away to be incinerated. While you were still internally angry over what he said and felt guilty over what you'd said, you were also grateful that he was helping. Which in turn made you feel even worse. Gohan was a great person - better than you probably deserved to be around. His trust issues in you and inability to see his mother's faults were probably the only thing wrong with him really. Meanwhile you had a fault for every scar on your body and there were quite a lot of those. The only issue was that you didn't know how to do a relationship without trust.

Nor did you have an understanding of how to make the feuding father and son stop feuding. You didn't even really have the brainpower to think of how to do that as the waves of nausea continued to empty the vaults in your body. Even when you had finished purging, you couldn't entirely think straight. Tears clouded your vision as you stumbled to wash out your mouth.

"Are you alright?"

"I don't know," you answered truthfully, nearly choking on the words.

"Did you eat something that spoiled?"

"I don't know."

"Was it the baby?"

"I don't know," you answered again but this time with a little heat behind the tone. "I don't know why I puked Gohan. I don't know if it was the baby, if it was the food, or if I'm getting sick. I don't know what signs to look for in any of those cases. I grew up thinking I was human remember? still foreign to me."

When you'd said that last line you'd motioned down to your body almost frantically. Even your tail swayed behind you with an excited, nervous rhythm before settling back down.

"Especially now that I'm pregnant. I don't know what to really do about the differences or if there are more differences than I know about. There's no one I can watch to learn from. No one I can ask. I'm making it up as I go. Just like I do with everything else. So I don't know."

Gohan nodded as he tried his best not to say anything. You looked so scared and frustrated as you stood before him. It was a mollifying sight after the argument that had just happened. Most days it was easy to forget how much you had gone through in such a sort time; how young you really were. You were just like him in that respect. Even down to being responsible for another life - though he admitted that his responsibility for Goten wasn't on the same level as your growing, unborn child.

"Did you ever get sick after arguing with dad?" Gohan asked in a quiet, uncomfortably voice.

Slowly you shook your head. "We never argued back then though we argue a bit now. We weren't exactly together that long either. I've known you longer than I knew him. But I guess technically your father almost killed me."

"He what?"

You put your hand over your lower stomach. There was a soft spot there now. A slight bump. More like a lump really.

"I was already dying but getting pregnant sped up the process," you told him honestly. "Among other things. So in a way yeah, he was responsible for what would have been my early death if not for my mom. Adopted mom."

"Is that why you love him? Because you never fought?"

It was odd how he was suddenly okay with talking about Goku. A few minutes ago he'd been ready to rip his father apart. Now he wanted to know why you loved him? It was a dizzying switch around.

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