Chapter 109

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A/N: a little Halloween treat for everyone; it's small but still a treat.

Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One hundred and Nine

Be still your heart.

It hammered in your chest as you took the sight of Goku in. While the whole red hair with red eyes might not have been his best look, the way that he looked so much younger and smaller definitely pulled at your heart strings. Not because he looked better or anything. It was just because he looked, oddly, closer to when you'd first known him. If you could put the colors aside; which for some reason you had no problem doing.

And there was something about him, something that you couldn't quite put your finger on. Something that made you want to get closer like a moth to the flame.

"...what is this?"

"Don't know but I kind of like it," Goku answered with his patent smile. "I think I can take on Broly now. No problem."

His gaze turned towards Broly. The big guy was floating there not too far off. He radiated power. Literally. His energy was so thick and so strong as he stared at Goku that everything seemed to be put through a green filter around him. Which clashed with the red filter that Goku was putting off to the point that it made you feel slightly nauseous.

You reached for Goku's Gi as he started to turn his shoulder. "He was scared and lashed out."

"He still hurt you," Goku said as he grabbed your hand with his, gently prying your fingers off before slowly releasing your hand. "So I'm going to go teach him a lesson."

The utter calm that had overcome Goku was almost scary. But in that very fascinating type of way.

Goku blinked out of existence one second and was at Broly's face instantly. Only you somehow got the feeling that it had been all speed. He hadn't even used instant transmission that time.

And though you couldn't see his movements until after he landed the blow, Goku struck Broly in the cheek with a closed fist. Broly's head whipped to the side and he expressed honest surprise. That had actually hurt him. Goku wasted no time in following the first punch with a multitude of others. All of which you didn't see.

You winced when you saw that Broly plowed through tree after tree, breaking through so many of them as he fell. As much as you didn't want to see the others hurt because of Broly you also didn't like what you were seeing now. You didn't want to see Broly hurt either, not really. And the only reason he was taking a beating was because of you. You had brought him to a place that turned out to be a trigger for him. And then you served as the distraction so that Goku could charge the spirit bomb in Ofer to take him out. Somehow...the idea of finishing it quick didn't bother you as much as watching the titan being beaten.

Broly spat out a mouthful of blood before a guttural sound of rage tore through him. You were pushed back by the sheer force of his energy and you weren't close to begin with. The once frozen lake was in turmoil as waves pushed the broken slabs of ice all to one side of the shore. With seconds, Broly shot up at Goku with his fist posed. He almost got the inferno warrior.

Goku turned out of the way and sent a blast to push Broly back. Broly fought through it as he ignored how parts of his skin burned. Goku pushed through his blast too as he realized something very important. The longer they fought the stronger Broly was getting. So he poured more and more into the blast. And then as he let the blast cover him, Goku transported himself right behind Broly so that he could deliver a punishing blow to the back of his skull.

Broly turned around despite how dizzy he felt. He went to smack Goku with a back hand only to miss. Goku had ducked low and had an energy blast ready. The blast was aimed for Broly's core. It hit him dead on and the Kamehameha carried him high into the sky. With incredible speeds, Goku was able to fire off a second beam to hit Broly in the back. Which only further pushed him into each blast.

Broly's shirt was in tatters, pretty much no remnant of it left really, as the opposing blasts finally ran out of energy. There was a burn mark so deep that for a single moment you were horrified that you might be looking at a hole in his body as he fell. There was a whistling sound in the site from how quickly the big guy started to fall. And then it all stopped when he caught himself halfway to the ground.

The world pulsed green all around you. Everything outside of Broly seemed to have gone silent. You could only watch in horror as it seemed that not only had Broly survived that wound but he seemed to be getting stronger.

Right up to the point that Goku drove his fist, covered with a fiery aura, right into the scar that nearly ended his life as a baby. The pulsing of the earth's reality stopped as Broly grunted. Energy flowed in Goku's fist as he held his position. Broly tied to pull him away, to hitcat the smaller man, or to even get away put it seemed that no matter what he did Goku was able to keep up the assault on the one weak area that Broly had.

Right up to the point that the red energy that had taken over Goku suddenly disappeared. Leaving a depowered Goku to fall back down to the ground, limp arm and all.

Clenching his middle, Broly righted himself as the assault faded.

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