Chapter 66

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter sixty-six

Broly set on the ground with his back resting against the side of the couch. For all intents he very well could have been asleep. You ran the sturdy metal comb through his long, black mass of hair. As you worked through all of the hair, you hummed. Sometimes you'd sing part of a song but rarely more than a line or two. Almost unrealistically there didn't seem to be any knots in his hair despite its length. If it wasn't for the fact that you'd been experiencing the same sensation, you'd have been jealous.

After ten, maybe fifteen, minutes of brushing out his hair you put down the comb. Without disturbing him you lowered yourself backwards off of the arm of the couch so that eventually your back was on the cushions. And then you curled your legs up and to the side so that you could sit up.

"Told you that would feel nice," you said with a smile.

Broly only made a small sound. Which you took for a sound of agreement. You smiled at that as you leaned your head back on the couch.

"Broly?" You asked as you tried to think of how to word your next part. "Why are the other Saiyans afraid of you?"

"They are weak," he answered simply.

"I'm weaker," you reminded him.

He turned his torso around so that he can stare at you. There was something almost unnerving about how calm his features seemed now compared to when you first met him. It was almost like he was a completely different person when there was nothing to anger him.

"You do not have to be strong. You have not challenged me."

"So am I a slave then?" You asked, genuinely curious to see where you fit in his scope of the world.

He was quiet for a while as he turned back around. He answered you with a simple: "No."

You got up to your knees so that you could lean over his head. You moved rather slowly just to make sure that you didn't surprise him.

"Then what am I?"

"My friend."

You smiled at that. Hopefully that was a good thing. You supposed it was better than being thought of as a slave at least.

"What about the others? Can they be your friends too?"


Well shit. That was rather blunt.


"They are too weak."

You frowned at the circular reasoning. He said that you were his friend despite the fact that you were weaker than the boys. Yet he denied being friends with the guys because the were weak. It made no sense.

"Broly, I'm confused," you admitted as you sat back so that you weren't hanging over the side of the couch.

"They want to challenge me but they are too weak."

"Compared to you everyone is too weak," you muttered just loud enough for him to hear.

If you didn't know any better the slight sound he made almost sounded like he was preening.

"They continue to challenge me instead of submitting. Which makes them stupid."

You blinked. "So if they submitted then you wouldn't try to kill them?"

He made a thoughtful sound that turned into acceptance. Which you groaned at. Getting any of the saiyan men, half or otherwise, to submit would be harder than finding a glass of ice water in hell.

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