Chapter 72

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Seventy-two

You laughed heartily as you exited the ride. Gohan was beside you with a mildly pleasant expression on his face. It had been a few days since he'd made his serious plea to you, a few days since you had promised to find a way to get everything to work. It had also just been a few days since he declared his intentions to not only train to beat his father in physical combat but as a relationship partner. For him though the time between that declaration and his plea had spanned much longer than that since he'd been true to his word and trained in the hyperbolic time chamber. Though apparently after that day-year he'd come to the conclusion that as far as his father was concerned it didn't matter how strong he got because it would only spark a vicious cycle of violence over you. And he'd been right about how that would hurt you too. Though that realization didn't change his position in regards to the relationship it given him a new perspective.

If you were the reason his dad had been nearly ready to kill him that last time, you could also be how he'd be defeated. Gohan figured that making good on his promise to be the best boyfriend, to show you that potential and earn a different place in your heart, that he'd win in this situation. If you chose him over his father, Gohan had a feeling that would break the venerated hero. And as unfortunate as that was, that was Gohan's goal in the back of his mind. Mostly though, he had missed you when he'd spent all the time in the chamber. He'd missed going to school and seeing his other friends too but mostly he missed you.

You on the other hadn't been thinking about any of that. Or you'd been trying not to. Instead you focused on the day to day as D-day drew nearer. You were determined to enjoy yourself while you still could. Especially given that soon, because you were expecting, you might not to get to be so spontaneous. You'd never been pregnant before but you had a feeling that a large baby bump would stop you from doing a lot of fun things later down the line. Like ride the largest roller coaster at the place.

With a smile on your face, you pulled Gohan to the line. Thankfully you and he hadn't gone on a popular day. He'd just surprised you by taking you to the amusement park after school. It had been your first time going. And while none of the rides were fast enough of scary enough to make you scream like the others around you, you enjoyed them immensely. It was a good distraction.

Reality set in pretty quickly sometime after the roller coaster. You and Gohan had gotten to the water log ride to help cool down. May had given way to June and it seemed the moment that it did the temperature had spiked. So getting splashed with all that water had been refreshing. It felt so good. And Gohan must have thought so too because half way through the ride, as he sat behind you in the open log, he began to show how good he was feeling. You bit your tongue from saying anything as you and he went up and the set track. He held onto you in a deceptively right grip as a blush overtook all of his features. Considering the fact that you sat between his legs in front of him there was no way to hide the erection digging into your lower back.

You flushed scarlet but you didn't say anything. As the ride moved, you held still as best you could. Gohan was ridged behind you in more ways than one as mortification over the situation set in. Once you were off the ride, you kept close to Gohan. You even went so far as to make sure that he didn't let go of you. Staying in front of him was the best way that you could think of to make sure that he didn't overtly offend the family friendly park environment. If he'd been wearing jeans there might not have been such a display but Gohan wasn't a jeans kind of person. He wore loose fitted slacks.

When you were out of the exiting line and he had let go of you yet again, you reached back for his hand. Only with the way you reached blindly as you grabbed his hand you also brushed his very sensitive issue through two layers of clothes. You tried to ignore the slight sound of surprise and pleasure that simple accident caused as you grabbed at his hand. You turned around slowly, trading hands so he didn't try to move again. You kept his and your arms down low to keep a visual barrier for his situation and the rest of the public.

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