Chapter 37

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Dragonball: Unforgotten

Chapter Thirty-seven

"What do you mean the gravity chamber is taken?" Vegeta scuffed.

Bulma sipped calmly on her juice as she watched Vegeta start to posture. After being with him so long she knew how to read his actual moods. He wasn't what someone would call warm and fuzzy, or even friendly, but he wasn't nearly as nasty as he made himself out to be. She knew when he was in one of his moods and should be avoided and she knew when it was just another average day with him. Today was just an average day despite his bluster.

"Just what I said. I told her she could come use it when she wanted...I guess she finally took me up on that offer. Seemed like she had a lot of steam to blow off."

Vegeta scuffed once more as he took a seat at the table. He crossed his arms and looked out of the doorway towards where the hallway connecting to his special room was. He didn't like the fact that he couldn't get back to his training. Especially considering the fact that Kakkarot was due to return in 27 days for the tournament. As far as he was concerned there wasn't a day to waste. He wanted to beat that foolish warrior and show him who was truly the best. Which, of course to Vegeta, was him. Yet he was thwarted in his attempts to continue his training after lunch simply because you had steam to blow? It was preposterous.

"What? She wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"

Bulma shrugged, "There was a few drops of blood on her hand and she was muttering about perverts. My bet is some guy pissed her off and she knows better than to take it out on him."

"Hah," Vegeta almost laughed, almost. It was more sarcastic than anything. "Pathetic."

"Play nicely Vegeta," Bulma warned him. "You might not like what happens if you make her upset."

Oh, now that did it. Vegeta stared at Bulma with his eyes narrowed and his scowl a little deeper than usually. "You think I have anything to fear from her? Don't make me laugh. The girl is nothing; she's weak."

"She's only recently learned to fight, you know. Yet she's already stronger than you were when you got to Earth for the first time. Remind many years did it take for you to get to that point?"

Bulma knew she had him by the balls with that one. His pride made it a near impossible thing to fight against. Either he said that he was slacking off when he was younger, and that's why he'd been weak, or he complimented you on gaining your strength so quickly. She really didn't see another outcome for him. And neither did he. His simmering rage at being caught in her word traps could be felt all through the room.

"Why don't you go in there and show her how to do something cool?" Bulma offered. "It's not every day you find another Saiyan right? Go in there and bond or something...whatever it is you do during fighting."

Although they did seem to keep popping up for a race that was supposed to be extinct. Other than the obvious of Goku, Raditz, Napa and Vegeta himself there had been more survivors. Namely Turles, Broly, and Paragus. Granted all three of those were dead. But then you appeared - the first female survivor that they found. It made Bulma wonder just how many were left out in the universe. From what she'd gleaned from Vegeta over the year they didn't exactly keep track of one another. Once a saiyan was off planet they were pretty much written off as dead until they returned victorious. There had never been any rescue missions planned or any reinforcements sent. That's just how they were. So for all they knew, there could be more out there like Goku that just never took over the planet. Or more out there like you who had been at the whims of evil people when you were a child. It made her wonder just how many saiyans, halves or otherwise, could possibly be out there.

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