Chapter 48

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Forty-eight

Goku pulled himself out of the rubble rather slowly. The hit had disoriented him, that was true, but Goku knew himself better than to think that was the reason he was so dazed. No, the feeling that he had came before he'd gotten hit into a mound of rocks. It had come when his youngest son announced that his oldest was getting married. And not to just any body, you. He didn't know you, though at moments he felt he did, which might explain the uneasy pit in his stomach. you. Goku shook his head as he brushed himself off.

Before he had much time to contemplate the tight feeling that was enveloping all his organs in its heated grip, Vegeta was back on the assault. Goku blocked and returned as many hits as he could. But he wasn't enjoying it nearly as much as before. Nor were his thoughts solely on that moment. As Vegeta soon realized when another one of his hits made contact with Goku's stomach and the next quick jab to his face.

"Damn it Kakarot!" Vegeta roared. "Stop getting distracted! This fight is between you and I! It has nothing to do with your brat and the woman!"

Goku took in a deep shaky breath as he wiped blood from his split lip. His body heaved from the exertion that staying in his super saiyan form put on him during the brutal fight. His muscles tensed and some parts of his body were definitely going to be bruised in a few hours. That wasn't to say that Vegeta had gotten off Scot free. Oh no, the Prince was in quite the same situation as Goku. The only difference was that Goku had gotten distracted in the last few minutes.

"Heh," Goku laughed under his breath. "Sorry Vegeta. I think I'm done fighting. I'm spent. And I think I have a son I need to talk to before my time is up."

He'd been on Earth sometime between sunrise and noon. He wasn't exactly sure on the exact hour. And based on the sun it was maybe an hour or two until sunset. Which meant that at best he had maybe 14 to 15 hours left. As much as he wanted to fight Vegeta till neither of them could move, Goku figured that maybe that wasn't as important as Goten's news. Which was a funny feeling actually. When had anything besides protecting people become more important than fighting?

"Done?" Vegeta asked, his fists clenched and body starting to shake. "Done? We're not done here Kakarot! Not until I prove once and for all that I am the strongest warrior!"

"No, pretty sure we're done," Goku said good naturedly as he powered down. "I'm beat. You're a lot stronger than when we faced Cell."

Vegeta had a hard time comprehending what was going on. He started to rush in to start the fight again because it wasn't over. But Goku was gone in an instant, leaving Vegeta's fist to make dust out of the rock that had been behind Goku's Head. His guttural scream of rage echoed in the surrounding area for anyone to hear.

Which everyone near you could. It reached your ears about the same time that Goku's appearance reached your eyes. You jumped back in surprise as he instant transmitted in front of everyone.

He'd been to Yardrats.

Your heart squeezed tightly in your chest at that thought. Sometime between when you'd left him and he died, he'd been to Yardrats for an extended amount of time. At least long enough to learn the instant transmission technique. You would have been in the medical coma that kept you from aging while he was there. Tucked away in the medical wing. But knowing Goku he'd probably gotten hurt at some point...then again there were many settlements on that planet. You had only been at one of them. He could have been anywhere on the planet.

"Your marrying Gohan?" Goku asked abruptly.

"No," you answered quickly.

"But Goten said—-"

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