Chapter 93

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Ninety-three

You looked down at the soapy water as though it would reach up and attack you. It was surprising that the foam hadn't withered by the way you looked at it. After spending two days aboard the ship, a lot of dishes had piled up. Even though everyone (except Trunks) reused their dishes when they went to reconstitute more food, with the amount of meals that were consumed it added up quickly. And this far none of the boys had even considered the stack. Normally you didn't mind a bit of a mess but it had gotten beyond even your threshold.

So that's where you were for a good portion of the time. Thankfully there wasn't a lot of remnants on the plate. A grain of rice or noodle here and there, but it was remarkable that there wasn't more. Not that it helped to put you in a better mood as you washed the dishes by hand. Even as you were washing them you had to conserve water. It wasn't like you could stop to get more. At least not until Namek.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

You glared at the person who dared to ask that question, lips pursed. Gohan held his hands up slightly in the "don't shoot" position. You let out a deep breath as you tried to let go some of the childish resentment and hostility that had piled up while you cleaned the dishes. As you did that you closed your eyes and counted backwards from 100. At some point you'd lost where you were and started counting forwards again. But oh well. Either way as you counted you hadn't noticed the blush that spread over Gohan's face when he took in the sight of you.

The front of your shirt clung to your body as the water from the sink had spread out. And since you really only wore sports bras over full cupped bras for ease of movement and training, he could even see a slight nub if he paid close attention. With the way you'd gotten wet and had been diligently working, you hadn't bothered to look down to notice. Gohan did though. And the domestic chore aspect of it all looked really good on you.

So as you let go of all that tension, Gohan's embarrassment piled up. He clenched his fists at his side before deciding that he wanted to do something about it. The teenage half saiyan closed the distance between himself and you quickly. You opened your eyes in surprise as you felt the gist of wind that followed his movements. Before you had time to ask him what he was doing, he had lifted you up onto the counter, tugged down your pants, and pressed two fingers into you.

As Gohan stroked you, you almost lurched backwards in surprise. There was an unpleasant sensation at first from the dry intrusion but that quickly started giving way as Gohan continued to work.

"Gohan!" You grasped out in shock.

Your hands flew to your mouth when you realized that had been a little loud. You didn't want to draw Trunks' or Broly's attention because you'd used any sort of alarming tone. With his free hand, and a bit of bending, Gohan pulled your pants off if you the rest of the way. He never stopped stroking you either.

"You look so pretty," Gohan said earnestly. "I don't think I'll ever be able to go to work and leave you at home."

You blushed at the compliment. Or it could have been the flush of heat from what he was doing. You didn't even have the sense of mind to protest the traditional roles he was envisioning while he started to push his fingers into you, mocking what he really wanted to do.

"I just...I...Everything is clean," you expressed your idea, one hand holding you up on the counter as you tried not to squirm while the other one went to hold his wrist.

With his free hand, Gohan undid his belt. He already started to kick off his boots before his pants fell. The moment they did, he kicked them back into a pile with his boots, your pants, and underwear.

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