Chapter 11

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Eleven

Another week had passed, taking you just that much closer to the doctors' predicted estimation time. So far from what you experienced on this trip, some days felt worse than others. But when you had enough rest you felt like you could take on the world. Goku usually even managed to find things to entertain himself with on the days when you were just lagging behind. He waited for you to do things at your own pace. Maybe not patiently but he tried. You knew he was trying and that's what was so great about him.

You had just picked up the fourth dragonball too. Considering the fact that they were all around the world it felt like you and Goku were finding them very quickly. Especially when the dragon radar pinged on the location of a fifth ball in the next town over.

With pep in your step you and Goku made your way over to the city with the next ball. Unfortunately there was a little bit of a distraction once you got there.

You watched as Goku looked hard at the building that the cops were stationed around. From what you could see they were outnumbered. Which was a bad sign. And there were hostages.

You gripped Goku's hand tightly before slowly releasing it. "Go ahead. I know you want to go be a hero. They need your help so help them."

Normally it would seem really stupid. Goku didn't have a bulletproof vest on. Nor did he have a gun or anything like that. But the thing was that you had seen this man punch down a tree, fly on a cloud, blast energy from his hands, move so quickly you almost lost track of him, and so much more. Somehow with all of that, Something told you he'd be alright. And even if he wouldn't...who were you to hold him back from what came naturally to him? He wouldn't be Goku if he didn't want to help people when they were in trouble.

Goku smiled at you but grabbed your hand again. And then he started running, leading you around towards an area that the cops weren't at. He pulled to a stop when it seemed like the right time and peered around the corner. He didn't see anyone. Only then did he let go of your hand.

You watched as he took a running leap to get to the top of the building. After that it was a little hard to see what happened. You heard a lot though, but probably no where near the amount of things that was actually happening.

But then you saw as one of the people practically fell out of the backdoor. They were running towards you. You ducked behind one of the corners and waited till the got close. They didn't have time to change direction before their neck collared with your arm.

Winded, he stumbled back. And you took that time to step out and punch them in the nose. It cracked with such ferocity you worried that you might have killed them. You didn't. But what scared you more was the fact that he had a gun. Like, you'd hit someone with a gun. As your mind screamed at how wreckless you were being, you stepped down hard on the guy's wrist. You heard a few cracks and pops. Enough to let you know that it was safe to kick the gun away.

Unfortunately the moment you did, someone else had a gun to your head. They were far too close considering that you could feel the muzzle. With wide eyes and your heart hammering away you saw Goku coming out of the building. When he looked towards you he saw the body on the ground and grinned. Right up to the point that he realized someone had a gun to your head.

"Stay back freak!"

Slowly you put your hands up as your heart hammered away in your chest. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion.

"Don't move!" They shouted at you.

"Don't shoot," you said in a shaking tone.

With a shaky breath and a small smile that Goku could see, you took a partial step back. And you rotated very quickly, grabbing the man's hand. As you continue to turn, you felt the man's trigger finger break. As soon as you got control of the gun you used the hilt to hit the would be shooter in the head. As that stunned him you took the change to release the mag and unloaded the one in the chamber.

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