Chapter 15

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A/n: hey guys, just curious - do you like when I show Goku's thoughts on anything and what he's doing even if "you" aren't near him? Or do you want me to stick solely with what you think/sense/feel without insight into Goku? Just wanted some feedback on how I'm balancing with this perspective.

Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Fifteen

You smiled to yourself as you traced Goku's hands, following the bones and feeling the calluses on palms. You stayed on your side with a sheet thrown over your body. It was too hot to have the cover on and until recently, Goku had been too asleep to convince him to let you go. He was still resting atop the sheet but at least you weren't being a human teddy bear. He was awesome and everything but...well it really was warm and he was a human heater.

Goku took a deep breath as he roused from his nap once more. He grinned to himself as he slowly came to his senses. The room smelled good as far as he was concerned but it was a different sort of good. He could smell a light sheen of sweat and his own fluids mixed with yours. It gave him a sense of pride and accomplishment that was very soothing.

The hint of blood near was disconcerting but he knew that it wasn't an actual issue. You had warned him that you might get a little hurt last night and he had definitely felt something kind of stretch last night at the start of when he first went in. Something that he definately didn't feel later. He guessed that was your virginity. Which meant that he got to feel something that no other guy would ever get to and that was oddly satisfying. Unfortunately based on how you were moving and the couple drops of blood (he checked while you were sleeping) that had smeared across your thighs he knew you were probably sore. But was a strange sort of happiness on top of how good everything felt last night and how good it still felt now.

The teenage martial artist looked over to you as he intertwined his fingers with yours. But as he looked he saw something that caught his attention.

"Where did you get these?" Goku asked as he touched your spine.

You couldn't see it but between each vertebrae past the shoulder blades were small incision scar marks. Ones that you hadn't known were there...

"Wait, what?"

Goku sat up, slipping his hand away from you and tracing where every small scar was. They didn't bother him but the fact that you didn't know that they were there did concern them.

"You don't know where you got these?"

As you shaking sat up, you winced. You were sore. Really sore. As you used the headboard to rest on you pulled the sheet up with you. It might seem silly after everything but the idea of laying around completely exposed made you uncomfortable. Plus you still had to figure out how to get to the bathroom without Goku seeing the bruises he left in his wake. ...maybe when it felt like it was easier to move.

"No," you answered Goku's question with eyes drawn together in concentration.

"Huh, maybe you hit your head and forgot?"

"Can that even happen?" You tossed back at him in disbelief.

Goku shrugged, laying his hands in his lap. "Gramps told me that I hit my head as a baby, made me a better kid or something."

Wow. That was good to know. Also very odd. You wondered briefly if his gramps had just been making it up. Like how parents told kids about Santa clause or anything like that really.

"Speaking about your grandpa...How did he..." you tried to find the most sensitive way to ask. But you figured asking out right was the best, "How did he die?"

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