Chapter 78

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Seventy-eight

He said nothing as he created a crater around your body. His energy completely destroyed the ground to the point where there wasn't even debris left in the air. You watched as he strained under his own anger, eyes flashing teal as his hair turned gold. It was interesting to see the super saiyan transformation up close. But he kept going. As anger took over his mind you watched in sort of a fascinated awe as his hair grew out to the point that it fell backwards and traveled down his back in spiky golden waves. You watched as his cranial ridge protruded and the golden short hairs of his eyebrows disappeared completely. His body increased in size as he did all of this, every muscle bulking up as it strained to handle the power he exerted. He almost didn't fit into his loose Gi anymore.  And it looked like he was trying to continue the power up but he plateaued after that.

"No one but me gets to touch you," Goku fumed.

Everything about the transformations was fascinating. You could even say mystical. Almost like you were watching the birth of some kind of battle god. You ran your hand through his hair. You couldn't actually reach the end from the position you were in. But you could feel his energy like static throughout his glorious mane. And though you couldn't see it, his normally dark chocolate brown tail was as golden as his hair.

"Why?" You asked him quietly.

"Because you're mine. I get to keep you, no one else."

"...I wasn't actually meaning that part but you do realize that I'm not your slave right?" You asked, despite the fact that what he said made you feel warm inside.

Your question confused him as he stared down at you. The look on such a transformed face almost came off as angry but you knew better than that. You realized he had no idea what connection you had just made.

"It's...nice to hear that because I know that means you care. I don't know why you care after all of this but yeah, I know you do. But you realize that I'm not a possession right? Like, I'm not a slave you can order around. Or keep away from people. Or just use whenever you want to make yourself feel better. I love the fact that you want to protect me and be near me all the time but I don't like the fact that you've actually tried to kill your own son because of me. Not at all. I'm not a toy Goku, and you can't be a kid who throws a tantrum anytime someone else gets more of my time than you. That just won't work anymore."

Goku kept quiet as he stared down at you. His tail curled around the back of his thigh and up over his hip before it hung down towards your lower abdomen. The tip made you squirm as he accidentally tickled you.

"The situation is messed up. I get why you're angry. Trust me, I get it. But why aren't you blaming me? Why aren't you angry at me?" You asked him. "Why do you even still like me? I was going to let you go back and not remember. I was the one who put all those restrictions on you coming back. I was the one who started to be domestic with Broly to get him to calm down. I was the one who apparently put the thought of growing up in Trunks' head. And I was the one who had sex with your son. But you blame them...not me. Why? All I do is bring chaos. **Why do you even want to be near me?"

Goku was quiet as he stared down at you with heavily accented eyes. Even though he didn't have any eyebrows to speak of, his face was still very expressive. You watched as he went through confusion and then surprise. Almost as though he'd never considered being angry with you. Which was odd considering how quick he was to anger because of you.

"You never meant for any of that to happen," Goku's voice was deeper in this form, a bit rougher...more wild - even in a calmer state.

"No, I didn't. Well except for letting you go back to the afterlife and not remembering part," you confided.

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