Chapter 73

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Seventy-three

"How much longer is she going to take?" Goten asked with a massive pout, laying on his stomach.

You laughed as you looked at him. He looked like he had just been told he had to go to bed without a cookie. And for Goten that was a serious issue. As serious as things got in his life at least. Although you had a feeling there was a lot more turmoil beneath the surface compared to what he consciously thought about.

After all, his best friend now looked years older than him. That had put a dampener on his play dates. Vegeta has been hell bent on teaching his son the error of his ways. Apparently Vegeta took it as a personal slight that Trunks had skipped a plethora of years that he should have spent training and getting stronger. Even though he was physically older his power level had not increased to match his age. He still had the same power level he had before he made that wish. You supposed that was one thing that the Dragon couldn't make "like Gohan". And Vegeta's idea of discipline was a lot of backbreaking training as he tried to force Trunks to make up for lost time.

You had to admit that it was an effective method. Last time that you'd been over to Bulma place, you had caught sight of Trunks grumbling about wanting to be a kid again. Vegeta's version of parenting was apparently working. Unfortunately it meant that Goten was pretty much left without a playmate. Which meant that you tried to step in a little more. Though between juggling your GRE prep, showing Broly the good things of Earth (and humans) as well as spending time with Gohan there really wasn't that much time you could spend just with Goten.

The funny thing was that he had just turned up about an hour ago at your apartment after school. He'd caught you right as you'd been about to leave to go see Broly and pretty much demanded your attention. You'd promised to take him to the park to avoid him having a meltdown in the hallway. Manipulative little brat. But with every pressure going on around him it was hard to blame him. Especially if Gohan has told him you'd play before he dropped him off. You must have been too distracted trying to scrub the dead skin off your face for you to have noticed Gohan's power level when he dropped him off. Which was odd but oh well - no one's perfect.

"I want my new sister," Goten said as he poked your belly.

There was a very slight bump but your body hadn't expanded to the size it should be just yet. You just looked like the normal, healthy teenage girl - what your body had looked like prior to that six months training with Gohan. You hadn't been that visibly fit long enough to miss the start of the abs that you had gained so your body image of yourself wasn't completely thrown off yet.

"Goten, it's going to take a long time for her to be ready to come out. And after that a lot longer before she'd be ready to play with you."

"But I wanna play with her now. Why can't she hurry up?" He pouted. "Mommy says she's pregnant too so she can't play with me anymore. But I don't get it. You still play with me."

"Uh...okay so this is a way for you to imagine it. It's not literally like this okay? But think about it this way - your mom and I both have babies inside of our bodies; these babies are inside of something like a water balloon. The bigger the babies get the more water the balloon is filled with and the bigger our bellies will get. Until one day we'll pop and give birth to your new siblings. If we get hit and pop before the babies are ready the baby will probably die. Your mom's water balloon is just a lot weaker than mine because she's a human and I'm not. Make sense?"

Goten's eyes widened and he slowly drew his hand back from where he'd been poking you. A look of panic and fear swept over his features as he looked between his finger and your stomach. Catching on really quickly, you grabbed his hand and forcibly put it back to your stomach. He was so much like his brother.

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