Chapter 12

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Twelve

"Hey look! It's the one star dragonball!" Goku said excitedly as he looked at the post.

You nodded with a gut twisting feeling in your stomach. The dragonball was being used as a background for a competition poster. Which meant that whoever made or designed the poster had seen the orb. And considering that the dragon radar kept telling you and Goku that it was nearby, there was a chance that they not only saw it but had the dragonball as well. Problem was that there was no guarantee that either you or Goku would find the ball by attending.

"Play with the pros huh?" You murmured more to yourself than anything.

"What if the ball is one of the prizes?" Goku asked, looking at the same poster.

"Well, do you want to enter and find out?"

"Sure. What do I have to do?"

You read the fine print on the poster. And there was a lot of it. So much in such a crammed up paragraph at the bottom that your brain wanted to stop reading it halfway through. You pushed through it so that you could summarize it for him. It wasn't that Goku couldn't read it if he tried but you had found out that his memory for things he Red was pretty shit. Yet anything he heard? He had it locked down and was ready to use what he learned. Probably because he was much more of a socio-physical learner. The whole concept of monkey see, monkey do.

"It says that you enter in sporting events to show off your skills. And the best player faces off against a pro in that sport. If you beat the pro at that skill or come close according to the judges, then you get the prize money. Each event you pay 50 Zenni to enter and looks like you can win up to 3000 Zenni if you win."

"Huh, so it's like a lot of smaller tournaments where you have to face off against the champion at the end to win."

"Yeah, something like that," you agreed with him.

You fought the urge to rip the well made poster off the wall. Instead you tried to memorize the address of the sign ups. From what you could tell it wasn't too far away. Looked like it was being held at a local sports park. And spectator tickets were already on sale.

"Is this what you want to spend your money on Goku? Kami gave it to you so you could come down and gain experience..."

You did feel guilty. Not only was he doing a lot of the physical work but he was the one buying everything. You tried to make sure that you found the best bargains for his money like the cheap hotel. And you made sure to cook as best as you could with what resources were available. Plus you did your best to answer all of his questions regardless of how embarrassing they were. Or how personal. But it still didn't feel like it was enough. Not for the enormous things he was doing for you.

"If it leads us to the next dragonball, definitely."

You gave him a wavering smile as you squeezed his hand beside you and murmured a heartfelt "Thank you".

"Think of it! After we get this one, we'll only need two more! And then we can make a wish to get you better again."

"You realize once I'm better, I won't be able to knock out grown men right?" You asked him, fear gripping your insides from your own question.

What if he was only helping you because he thought he found a good fighting partner or something? You theorized that wasn't true based on all of the stories he told you about his adventures as a kid. He genuinely wanted to help people from the sounds of it. And that's really all that you experienced from him. But that fear still gripped you from the inside, reminding you of how you met him. He had really only taken interest in you after he saw you cold cock a dude. And that had been kind of a fluke at that time. You'd done similar things since like with the thugs yesterday. But...again, that was all because your body was on hyper drive without a regulating system.

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