Chapter 50

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Fifty

"Your wife?!" Gohan asked, almost stuttering.

You could see his wife eyes as he looked to you. Your face was already contorted in a mixture of pleasure, shame, and embarrassment. So his searching expression really added nothing to your own visibly. The guilt that clenched inside of your stomach, however, felt so real that you should have been able to each in and rip it out. You hadn't wanted Gohan to find out this hadn't wanted him to find out at all.

"Before your mom," you muttered out to him, visually pleading with him to understand.

Goku caught on to the fact that you were looking at Gohan. Jealousy welled up in his chest. Not that he knew exactly what that emotion was as he'd only felt it maybe twice before and it had never been given a name. He did know that he didn't like the sensation. And he knew that it made him want to hurt his own son; which he figured was not a good thing.

Instead of lashing out at Gohan, Goku channeled that feeling into doing something about it. He held himself up with the arm away from Gohan, lowered his legs into a push up position, rocked into you in such a way that he knew would make you groan, and tilted your head back towards him in the resulting pleasure. As he stared down at your flushed face, the saiyan male smiled. His lips found yours as though they were magnetically drawn to yours. Chaste was his first kiss. And then it got harder, hotter as he kissed you again and again in front of his son. As though he knew that would prove a point. All the while he kept rocking into you, making you quiver and gasp into him needily.

Your hands gripped his back, pressing into his spine as they urged him on. Goku grinned as he gently pulled back from your lips. He was winning; he had your attention now -not Gohan. Your hands went as low as the could reach, trying to pull him into you. Goku had no problem with that. It's what he'd been planning on, what he'd been wanting, since the start.

He didn't even register the feeling of something popping behind him as he went to take off his pants with one hand. Nor did he notice that Gohan closed in the moment he wasn't actually touching you.

Suddenly he was yanked off. He felt himself spiral through a familiar black space. Bright lights gleaming off of ice and snow greeted him on his way out. It took him less than a few seconds to realize that Gohan was the one responsible for instant transmitting them both to the Arctic or Antarctic.

"Gohan," Goku said as he turned around to look at his progeny. "What did you just do?!"

"I took us somewhere so that you can cool it," Gohan responded back in a serious tone. "What were you thinking back there?!"

"I was going to have sex with my wife!" Goku ground out, raising into the air so that his bare feet weren't in the cold snow.

"She's not your wife," Gohan tried to reason. "You married mom!"

For some reason that first statement made Goku feel violently angry. He crossed his arms over his chest, resisting the urge to lash out at his son. Gohan probably hadn't meant it the way that Goku's testosterone filled mind took the statement, and some part of Goku knew that, but he didn't really care at that point. To him, it felt like Gohan was denying his claim because he wanted to claim it for himself.

With every frigid breath he took, Goku's power level rose. He wasn't even consciously aware of the territorial display that he was putting on. Gohan, however, seemed acutely aware of it. He'd read about such a display in many different animal books. Though it didn't click in to place until his father's hair started to flicker upwards with light. And considering the fact that he never thought humans (or in this case saiyans) did such a thing, it seemed unreal. But the display of power in front of him was unmistakably either a challenge or a response to one.

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