Chapter 88

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Dragonball: Unforgotten 
Chapter Eighty-eight

Slowly you pushed Broly's tail off of you as you started to stand up. The pillars of muscles known as arms made it a bit tricky but after you made it obvious that you wanted to get up (you may or may not have started pinching him to get your point across), he finally let you up. Gohan kept himself steady and tried not to show just how relieved he was. Internally he was celebrating. You were actually willing to accept his help and presence in your life even right after what his mother had just done to you because of him. That alone made him happy. The notion that you were willinging moving away to the biggest danger of the time was also a relief. Right up to the point that Broly pulled you back towards his side when he stood up as well.

You tensed up at that. With how tall he was, you easily fit somewhere around his middle. He was at least two feet or so taller than you. Which was how he had been able to make you feel so small when he held you. Compared to him you practically were the size of a child. Then again most people would be. Even Gohan, who was slightly taller than Goku and taller than you by far, still looked small next Broly. Not that you were seeing that comparison now. You were a little too panicked as he kept you beside him to really take in their height differences.

"What are you doing?" Gohan asked the behemoth, trying his best to sound stable and confident.

"I left her with you twice before. You are not a good guardian. I will go with her or she stays with me."


That was not going to go over well. Although you didn't expect the sharp anger that rose from Gohan nearly as much as you should have. His eyes practically flickered jade as he clenched his fists.

"Broly, stop, it's okay," you tried to placate him. "Gohan is a fine guardian."

The thought of needing a guardian was not one you liked. It rubbed you the wrong way. You didn't need anyone to watch over you like a parent - you still had parents to do a way. Honestly if you became a hermit and just stayed away from saiyan (men) altogether your life probably would have been fine. But there was something about not having to lie all the time and being able to actually play around without worrying about hurting people that was nice. It had been refreshing with Goku when you and he had been younger (and weaker) and it was nice with Gohan too. Though you knew he still held back on you somewhat it was only at the same level that most men that were stronger than woman held back. And that was nice. It was why you understood Gohan's sentiments even if you'd been, and still were in some ways, afraid that it was a passing fear of his. If he decided that this relationship wasn't something he wanted in the long run because you were too much work or something...well, it would be bad to say the least. Although you had a feeling that if Goku had any say in it you wouldn't be alone for very long if that happened. Plus on top of that you were having your own kid who, after a while, would be just as durable as you were no doubt. So at the very least you didn't have to worry about breaking your kid even if Gohan did leave. Which he could (and probably should for the sake of his own future) at any point because unlike what you'd told Broly, Gohan wasn't your guardian.

"No. The first time you come back from him, you are pregnant from a friend that you won't show to me. The second time and you were hurt."

Somehow you had a feeling he was connecting the puzzle pieces all wrong. Not that you could really blame him. Unlike with Gohan you didn't confide in him. You had strategically left out as many details about your pregnancy, including why you were pregnant now to begin with, on purpose.

"She wasn't hurt," Gohan said defensively. "My mother just upset her."

How was it that he wasn't breaking his own bones? His fists were so tight that you could pretty much see the whites of his knuckles from your spot beside Broly.

"...weak," Broly declared as he stood in his place. "You are too weak for her."

Gohan swallowed thickly as he stared at Broly. His gaze shifted back down to you as you looked up at Broly to try to see if you could figure out what he was talking about. The fact that your attention was still on the more violent Saiyan, that you were still next to his side, was something that Gohan decided he really didn't like. Not that it was a surprise to him at this point. Regardless of the fact that Broly was seemingly more tamed now than ever before, Gohan didn't trust him. He could hurt you with the snap of his fingers. He could turn on you and unleash what had seemed like unending anger at any moment he chose. Just because he hadn't yet didn't mean much. Gohan was not in the mood to trust that this good-boy act of his would continue on indefinitely. There was also the fact that Gohan really wasn't prepared to let Broly keep you. He'd rather die first.

"I am not," Gohan said tersely.

"You are weak," Broly scuffed before giving a little insight into his justification. "Females do not need to fight for a place to live. We fight for them."

"I can fight for myself..." you grumbled beside him.

It was true that you weren't as strong as either of the males but that didn't make you weak. And reasonably you knew you could do other things that were useful but at the moment, after what happened, you already felt torn down. Broly's words didn't help. And as bad as it was, Gohan noticed that and it helped something inside of him. If the large man wasn't careful he'd dig his own grave - metaphorically speaking.

"You are the strongest female," Broly agreed as he looked down to his side. He could barely see you from the angle but he could still feel you next to him. Not that he'd give you much of a choice. "And my father told me there were not many females when our planet was still there. Being the strongest female meant you got your choice in mate - or the strongest mate would chose you."

You shifted uncomfortably but thankfully, Broly turned his attention to Gohan. The teenager understood exactly what Broly was saying. He started to understand the large saiyan's thought patterns on the subject. Even the ones he hadn't yet said. And that was exactly why the anger started welling up inside of him to the point that even if he wanted to, he couldn't stop his energy from flickering violently. Which only meant that it showed up in his hair and his eyes as well, visual signs to the righteous wrath that was building up.

Broly smiled cruelly at Gohan. "You want her but she chose not to make a new saiyan with you. Because you are weak. And yet she still chose to be near you; I allowed that. You repay her by letting your mother take away her home. That was a mistake because I am stronger than you are. And now...I choose her."

Your mouth would have fallen open if it wasn't for the fact that you were biting your lip so hard you tasted blood. Gohan stood in front of him, forgetting about the fact that there was no way that he could win this fight, as a golden aura pushed at everything around him. You felt it brush against your skin, pushing at you, like a surge of warm water. Warm water that was filled with nothing but hatred.

Broly responded in kind as his energy swirled around him to the point that his hair started to stand on end and flicker gold. Before it had time to get to be the bloodbath that you feared, you ripped yourself away from Broly. You stood between the two of them with your arms up.

"The two of you will somehow get along or so help me god, I will figure out a way to punish the both of you," you spoke with so much venom you might as well have been a snake. "I like Earth. If I'm going to chose anything - it's Earth. And for god's sake Gohan, I'm the pregnant one but you're the one acting like your hormones are bouncing all around! Could saiyans just STOP letting people piss them off?"

A little bit of a hypocrite, sure, but were angry. And to be fair, your home was in danger from their power display. If they decided to fight they'd probably take out the forest in collateral damage. You rather liked the forest. You liked the towns nearby too. In theory.

You bit out your next words angrily, not really meaning them entirely, "Maybe Vegeta was right. At this point why don't we all just fucking share me."

" don't mean that," Gohan said in shock, his powers still raging around him.

"Better that than letting you guys destroy my home. Again." 

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