Chapter 115

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen

Despite the fact that it was later than normal, the sun shone brilliantly in the sky as Gohan got home. It was practically summer after all and the days had gotten long. Gohan landed just a couple of yards away from his house. He let out a deep and resigned breath as he grabbed the strap to his shoulder bag.

He knew the moment that he got near the door his mother was going to figuratively kill him. This time he might even deserve her tongue lashing. He had gotten detention for being so late to class after lunch. Which was your fault but not entirely; Gohan should have known you'd do something to entertain yourself. It was in your nature to want to laugh. This time it had been at his expense. And if he had tried to explain why he was late it would have only made the situation with his teacher worse just like it would at home. Which was why he resigned himself to take whatever verbal lashings his mom had for him; she already didn't like you enough as it was, he didn't need to make her like you any less.

"And just where have you been?" Chichi did not disappoint as she stood at the door with that angry, parental look on her face just a moment later.

"At school," Gohan answered.

"Oh really?" She prompted.  "School let out a while ago Gohan."

"...I got detention," he murmured quietly.

Somehow he had expected her to have gone off in a tangent about that. His mom was angry but at the same time she wasn't even yelling yet. It was like the anger was being bottled up and put under pressure. It seemed more dangerous to him.

"For what?"

She seemed to be trying to lead him to an answer. Did she already know? Did the school call her or something? Gohan swallowed visibly.

"I came back late after lunch. I spent too long eating and lost track of time," even if it was the truth, Gohan said it with such a nervous air that it looked like he was trying to lie.

Chichi shifted her stance. The contents under pressure continued to build up to dangerous levels.

"Spent too much time eating?" She echoed as her voice started to raise. "I know where you were Gohan! You were with that Saiyan whore!"

Gohan flinched at the tone that his mother had used. "Mom please don't call her that."

"I will call her whatever I like, young man! I call it as I see it! She's a tramp! A whore! A no good slut! She's been trying to rip this family apart! She seduced your father away from our family! And on top of that she used that gaping hole between her thighs to lure you away too!"

Gohan couldn't believe the type of filth that was coming out of his mother's mouth. It was so shocking that he couldn't help but stand and stare. The worst part of it was that they had a version of this conversation before. Last time had been the morning after the dance, before you and he had gone to Namek. He had thought he explained everything to his mother then. Somehow Chichi seemed to have forgotten everything he told her about you. Instead she focused only on her version of the truth; the one that painted you in a very bad light.

"I told you once that I wasn't going to be so lax! I might not be able to do much but I will do whatever I can to protect you from that vicious whore! You're not allowed to see her again! Do you understand me?! YOU'RE GROUNDED GOHAN!"

Gohan was deathly quiet at her announcement. His hand fell from the strap of his bag as he stared at his mother. No matter what he told her she just didn't listen. And normally he would try to do whatever she said; he respected his mother's wishes like a good boy. What she was doing and saying now, however, went beyond what he felt like he could do. Still he gave her the respect of keeping his mouth shut unlike last time.

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