Chapter 110

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One Hundred and Ten

A shadow fell over you as you knelt by Goku's fallen form. There was literally one from Broly's massive form, even though the sun wasn't very high in the sky anymore. And there was a figurative one that fell over your expression as your heart hammered in your chest. You could hear both Vegeta and Gohan trying to rise. Gohan was struggling more than Vegeta considering the situation. The state of their bodies and energy, however, meant that even if either of them got to you, they wouldn't be of any help.

"Move," Broly said simply.

The worst case of deja'vu washed over you. The icy sensation flooded your stomach as your head spun. Fear and anxiety rushed in with great intensity. Despite every instinct from your head to your tail telling you to run, you stayed still.


Broly called out your name warningly. You shook your head, making yourself feel dizzier.

"I'm not moving, Broly. What has he ever done to you?" You asked the mountain of a man as you felt Goku twitch. Your voice was raised and emotions pitched your words as you sling them at him. You saw Broly's eyes narrow as he clenched his fists. "That you haven't tried to do to him and his friends?"

The look from the legendary super saiyan was one part anger, another part surprised. He hadn't expected that you'd have this much fight in you. Normally you tried to stay calm when you talked to him. Even when you had come after your house had been taken from you, you'd stayed quiet and subdued. Yet here you were kneeling over the body of someone he wanted to exterminate. The fire in your eyes and in your voice was impressive considering that he could practically see you shaking. He decided he liked that look on your face; he liked it a lot. Not as much as he had enjoyed you rubbing his tail when you'd wrapped yourself around him but it was a very close second. The fact that you were afraid of him, that you were standing up for Kakarot, wasn't as pleasant of a feeling though. In fact he detested both of those facts.

Broly squatted down, one arm resting over his leg as he stared directly at you. You stared back at him definitely despite the fear. He reached out and pulled you up to a standing position by your hair as he stood up. Instinctively your hands went to hold your hair and his hand, trying to alleviate some of that nagging pain. Broly's nose brushed yours as he concentrated on your face. His eyes flickered over to the rest of the guys as they continued to struggle before returning to you. He readied himself physically to throw you away and continue the fight just incase. Even though his side hurt and there were spots on his body that burned in pain he wasn't planning on losing this fight again.

"Stop fighting me."

You did your best to stare at him. "You're trying to hurt my friends."

"Friends?" Broly scuffed. "They're weak. You do not need weak friends."

"They're not weak!" You defended them. "Even if they were, they'd still be my friends."

"The boy let his mother hurt you. Kakarot and the purple one have only made you worry. And that other one is never around," Broly said pointed as he pushed you a little farther out so that he could see your whole face. "They aren't your friends, they're pests. Pests that need to be exterminated."

"No!" You snapped at him. "Broly, no!"

You had a ridiculous urge to say "bad Broly" that you kept to yourself.

"You can't kill them."

"Yes I can," he said with narrowed eyes.

"Broly, no. Just No. They came to help me! They came to help because you were hurting me. I couldn't breathe; you were killing me. They just came to help!"

He pulled you back in closer. For a moment it felt like he was going to fling you away, toss you halfway across the Earth. He didn't. He simply held you there.

"You are mine. Why would I kill you?"

"I am not yours."

"I am the strongest. And I chose you. You are mine."

It was sweet when Goku said that sentiment in private. You even enjoyed it when Gohan expressed the same in a couple more words. It felt reassuring and affectionate when the both of them said such. But hearing Broly's no-nonsense tone was not comforting. Not after everything that had just happened.

"I'm not a thing you can just own Broly!" You snapped at him.

Goku was starting to wake up. You could feel his energy shifting around behind you. It was so weak though. Everything that he, Vegeta, and Gohan had in them had been spent. It had something to do with that red haired transformation but that was something to figure out later. Right now you had to focus on the immediate concerns.

"I'm a person. Two people technically. But that's beside the point. I'm a living being; you can't just own me. Not like that."

"Yes I can. And I'll prove it."

Him proving it did not seem like a good idea. In fact, you got the distinct impression that it meant death for others. His hand that wasn't holding you raised up. You could feel his energy readying for a large blast. Unlike the others, it didn't seem like Broly was out of energy.

You acted quickly and used your body like a pendulum. You wrapped your legs around his arm. You could feel more than a couple hairs on your head being ripped out as you wrapped yourself around his extended arm best as you could.

"Broly, no! It isn't right!" You continued to argue. "You said your dad was a bad man right? He taught you this. He taught you that you kill and own other people. Right?"

You kind of understood that he acknowledged that in affirmation. So you continued.

"Did you like it when he owned you? When he controlled you and made you a slave? Was that okay? No! It wasn't okay! None of that was okay! He was wrong to do that to you. Just like you'd be wrong if you did that to me!"

His energy blast was sent out. But at the last second he snapped it upwards so that it didn't hit anyone. It did cause a defending sort of crack as it continued upwards into space. Vaguely you hoped it didn't hit anything before it dissipated.

"Don't be your dad Broly. Be better," you said in a strong tone. "Be better than him. Be a better man than he ever was, a better saiyan."

"How?" The word seemed like it had been hard to get out.

"Stop killing, stop hurting people just because you can. Just because they're weaker. Just...stop that. You can still fight if you want; just stop trying to kill everyone."

The thought of needing to kill to protect crosses your mind. Like you had been ready to let Goku kill Broly in order to protect the world. Yet somehow watching him getting beaten up by a red headed version of Goku had been too cruel to witness. But you'd cross that bridge later. Right now you didn't want to shake up any fragile moral pieces that you were building in his head. You didn't want to confuse him with gray zones.

"But I want you. And so do they." Broly said as he lowered his arm until you could touch the ground once more. He didn't release his hand from its grip on your hair though.

"," you couldn't think of a better word. "I can still be your friend."

Broly looked at you and you could see him trying to understand. You weren't sure it was working but he was at least trying to. Right up until both Goku and Gohan got into a fighting stance behind you. Even as week as they were. Vegeta stayed back a little as he tried to analyze what was going on. To him this whole thing made no sense and the lack of that was only being compounded by the second.

When Broly made to toss you away again as he started to chest to with a snarl on his face, his eyes directed behind you this time, you refused to let him. Instead you turned yourself about. You ignored the throb in your scalp that wanted to be massaged as you put yourself between Broly and your other boys. You were closer to Broly of course given everything.

"Stop. Everyone just stop. Right now. Gohan...Goku..." you called out almost warningly. "I'm going to take Broly so he can cool down. You two need to do the same. Now. I'll be back in like an hour."

And you didn't give them any time to question that before you grabbed one of Broly's biceps and popped out of view.

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