Chapter 92

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Ninety-two

You laid in peaceful silence with Gohan resting beside you. Every so often when you shifted about and looked at his face, you'd smile. He looked so peaceful and happy that it made you feel good. Like you were doing something beneficial. Like you weren't everything that was wrong or harmful in his life. It made you almost forget about the implied promise you'd made in return for his continued safety. Because at that moment you could almost believe that this would be what it would be like in the future. When you weren't waking up to a screaming kid of course. It was the quiet moments like the one you were in which made you reflect on the idea that being married to Gohan wouldn't have been so bad. He had been right at the start after all - he was a good match for you. Unfortunately you didn't feel like you would be a good match for him soon.

Feeling nauseated and depressed over your own thoughts, you finally got off the bed. You gathered up some clothes before slipping on a long shirt only (it covered all the necessities) until you could make it into the shower. You needed to be frugal with the water given that you were on a spaceship but there was no way you weren't scrubbing down after the activities that you and Gohan had participated in.

Once you felt much cleaner, you got redressed. You moved into the main chamber above the bedrooms and looked around at the room. There was a large column in the middle that changed the gravity in the room when the chamber was sealed off. Apparently the older models changed the gravity of the whole ship. But Bulma had made it so that in this model only the large, sealed off chamber would change. Probably because Goku, Gohan, Broly, and maybe even Trunks could handle higher gravities than you could. Since you were re-pregnant and all it was probably a smart choice. Didn't want to put you in a situation where you had a miscarriage because the gravity pulled the child out of your womb before it was time.

Still you were getting restless. So you turned the gravity up to the highest that you knew it would be safe at. Gohan has said you could reasonable go to 20x the Earth's gravity without worrying. That was only x2 the gravity of the planet that your species evolved on to handle after all. Besides you weren't a balloon yet so you figured it would be safe. So under x20 gravity you worked on all the free standing exercises you knew of.

There was actually quite a bit you were able to do by yourself. Though you didn't have long to actually shake off the energy before the machine lowered the gravity back down. You turned your head to the door as Gohan finally walked through. His hair was a mess and his clothes were sloppily through on. He didn't even bother with his boots actually.

"What's wrong?" Gohan asked as he yawned.

You shook your head. Nothing was actually wrong. At least nothing that he needed to worry about at the moment.

"Pent up energy," you told him honestly.

He looked at you for a moment. "You don't want to rest?"

His eyes flickering down to your stomach let you know exactly what he was thinking. Obviously he expected that you'd want to be more idle now that you were pregnant. That was the last thing you wanted to do.

"Naw," you told him casually. "I will have plenty of time to do that when I get so big I'll waddle when I walk. Right now I just want to keep going."

He seemed a bit surprised. Which you found amusing. Apparently he figured you'd be way more of an invilid than you were. Granted you were already about half way through your trimester by all accounts but that seemed barely pregnant to you. Some woman might not even have known they were pregnant at your stage, at least not seriously. The ones that didn't want to get pregnant would have still been praying for their very late period.

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