Chapter 104

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One hundred and four

"I'm not sure if I'm okay with this," Gohan said quietly as he looked directly at your face.

"Hmm," you acknowledged with a sound of unease.

Truth be told you agreed with him for the most part. You weren't sure that you were okay with what was happening either. You had just moved yours and Gohan's mattress into the main gravity chamber. It was set to the light setting of ten times Earth's gravity because otherwise with how flighty your head and stomach felt you might never have been able to stay in bed. Not that the bed was uncomfortable. It had been made up with all the pillows and blankets. It was just that normally that would have been inside of the bedchamber with you and Gohan already in it. There had been two problems with that - Broly and Goku had both tried to claim the sitting space on your bedside. At the same time nonetheless.

And yes, a small fight had started to break out. Said fight stopped when they both fell asleep on one another again. You had laughed for what felt like hours as you realized that was how one of Gohan's wishes played out. Even Gohan had smiled a little when you laughingly explained that Broly and Goku were cuddling and why. Unfortunately the room had barely been big enough for you to stand in there with Gohan while Broly and Goku were passed out over each other, much less get to sleep. And you anticipated that once the two saiyans woke up it was going to happen again. So in the interest of having enough room to sleep you moved yours and Gohan's mattress into the main gravity chamber. At least that way when Goku and Broly tried to claim a position near you and ended up passing out again, you still had room to lay down. As would Gohan of course.

"Give me another option that will work," you challenged Gohan.

Gohan's silence told you everything. You smiled nervously as you intertwined your fingers with his. You started tugging him down to lay in the bed with you, trying to keep that smile on your face. You tried not to think about how awkward this particular night was likely to get once Broly and Goku woke up. Instead you tried to pretend that it was just a normal night; a sleepover even.

"I get my dad trying to be in the room with you," Gohan admitted as he laid down on top of all the covers. "But Broly? Why now? He's been keeping to himself this whole trip."

"I think it's because he just realized that Goku technically got me pregnant. I don't think he likes your dad much," you told Gohan honestly, wrinkling your nose to emphasize your point.

"No kidding."

"Maybe he thinks I'll get twice as pregnant?" You tossed out the idea. "Honestly - no clue. That's my best guess."

"It's better than anything I could think of," Gohan admitted. "You realize that dad is just going to try to isolate you tonight, right?"

"Hmm, yeah," you admitted with embarrassment. "He used to be very cuddly. I'm betting that hasn't changed. But if you're already holding me...he won't exactly have the room to get his way."

Gohan's cheeks colored as he went quiet. You took a deep breath as you wiggled on top of all the covers until you were able to get under them. Gohan watched as you wiggled and inched your way with a smile on his face. Some people may have thought that the way you chose to wiggle into bed was clumsy or immature but it just made him smile. He never got the feeling that you were stiff or trying to be too proper. All of your actions were tangible and comfortable.

And the small intake sound you made of pleasant surprise when he pulled you back into him, even though he was still atop the covers, was intoxicating. If he wasn't too busy staring at his father with a heated expression he might have even buried his face into your hair. Or maybe slid down a little so he could kiss your neck. The small hints of pleasure you gave off when he'd done that before had been like a choir of angels. Unfortunately because Goku had walked in, it didn't feel like the time or place to the teenager.

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