Chapter 6

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Dragonball: Unforgotten  
Chapter Six

You left a note on the fridge for your parents to find. It felt like a cowardly thing to do but you couldn't wait for them to get home. Strike that, you didn't want to wait. You didn't want to fight with them. You didn't want to hear them call you a liar again. And you really wanted to leave while you still had the courage to. Otherwise they might convince you to stay be playing on your fears and insecurities. You had a lot of them.

With your hand firmly wrapped around one of Goku's, you readjusted the strap to your overly stuffed backpack. He had offered to carry it for you but you couldn't let him do that. You needed something solid to hold on to from your life. Something physical. Goku's hand helped, so did the weight of the oversized backpack.

"Are you ready?"

"If I say no will you carry me?"

"Hmmm if you want me to."

Good answer. But you wished he would kind of take charge at the same time. He had already done something like this before. He was the one who had experience with it. You didn't. The most adventurous things you had done had been only after you met Goku. And while you weren't ashamed of any of it, you were afraid of how quickly they'd been made.

"Let's go," you finally said, closing your eyes tight as you walked out the door.


How was it that Goku still managed to surprise you? After knowing him (albeit for a short time all things considering) you thought it'd be hard to surprise you anymore. But he found a way to do it yet again. This time it wasn't because of any special power or anything. He took you to what had to be one of the largest houses in one of the largest cities.

" know Bulma Briefs?" You asked in disbelief.

Her family had to be one of the richest in the world. You couldn't actually think of anyone who owned a larger, more lucrative company, than the Briefs. Goku gripped your hand reassuringly as he led you through the security gate.

And low and behold, Bulma Briefs was soon out to greet him. She looked perfect. Her teal hair was pulled back into the perfect ponytail and her clothes fit her in all the right places. But she didn't instantly scream trillionaire to you. Which somehow made her feel more intimating.

"Hey Goku. Long time no see. You've gotten so big!"

Goku sheepishly rubbed the back of his head with his open hand. He laughed in a kind hearted tone. "Yeah. I think I'm taller than you now."

"I'll say. You're looking all grown up," she teased him before stopping to stare at you. "Hey Goku, who is this?"

You were being judged. It you had known you would be meeting the Bulma Briefs maybe you would have put on something less casual. You felt way too sloppy for a good introduction. Granted you were wearing comfortable clothes for things like running and what not. But gym clothes didn't feel like they cut it over the modelesque young woman in front of you.

"Oh this is Bella. I met her over uh, hold long ago was it again?"

"Over 5 weeks," you supplied.

"Yeah that's it. Over a month ago. And we want to go find the dragonballs together."

Bulma made a face you recognized as the one that came right before a lot of teasing. "I see. So you finally found a girl that could keep up with you huh?"

"Yeah she's really strong and fast!"

Compared to him...not so much though. Compared to the girl in front of you, however, you could probably be considered that. What you didn't like was the good natured yet suggestive lean that she started to take on. You knew where her mind was going.

"Good for you Goku. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I mean the last time I saw you, you were barely up to my waist! And you barely knew what a girl was!"

Awkward. You felt very awkward.

"Now look at you, you stud. Looks like she plans on making an honest man out of you Goku, she's definitely not letting you wander off by yourself."

"Well yeah, that's the point. We're going to make a wish and then we're going to live together," Goku said, confusion lacing his tone.

"Oh wow. Don't you think you're moving a little too fast? No offense Bella, but..."

"It's not like that," you said with a terse embarrassment.

"What are you talking about? That was the plan right?"

And now you had confused Goku even more. From what you could tell he even seemed a bit hurt.

"I—she thinks we're sleeping together," you tried to reason with him.

Unfortunately you forgot he didn't understand many of the euphemisms that people liked to use. So his next words only sunk the proverbial nail further in.

"But we have. Back at my house remember? When we first met. And I've stayed at your house too."

"...she's talking about sex Goku. Not resting sleeping," you whispered.

His eyes grew wide. "Oh! Why didn't she just say that?"

You shrugged as he turned to look at his long time friend.

"We're not having sex Bulma. Why? Are you and Yamcha having sex now that you're living together?"

With the tables turned, Bulma didn't seem very comfortable. Thankfully you were able to remind Goku about the radar and the capsules before things got way too off track. They were already derailed but you helped to put them back to rights as quickly and as quietly as you could.


Okay. One thing was for sure. You did not like big cats anymore. You rushed through the forest, holding the three star ball in your hand so tightly that you thought you might crack it. Somewhere behind you, god you hoped it was behind you, was a sabertoothe cat. And seeing as the ball had been inside of it's nest or whatever it was, you had needed to get it out. Unfortunately that meant that it woke up. Hungry and angers because of your intrusion.

You zig and zagged as best you could. You knew you needed to get back to the village where Goku was being held up. And you knew you were fast enough. It was just a matter of stamina which you didn't have. That was becoming your biggest issue.

You should have done more cardio in school. Or maybe eaten more the day before. It felt like you were running on E.

The village was finally in site. You made it. And you nearly cried from joy when you realized that you had out run the sabertooth. Just a bit more and you'd be safe. Thankfully, for one, you'd gotten lucky and made it back.

That was 1 ball down. 6 more to go.

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