Chapter 95

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Ninety-five

You sat at the kitchen table in such a way that you were able to swing your feet back and forth. There was tension from holding your body in such a way to allow for that but you barely noticed. Instead your mind was on the fact that you would land on Namek at some point that day. Or rather New Namek. That's how fast the ship was. Bulma has built something which could travel through the universe that quickly. The shear concept of that was amazing.  What wasn't so great was the fact that there was still a lot that you needed to prepare for before you stepped foot on New Namek.

Like, for instance, apologize to Gohan for hitting below the belt. That had been uncalled for considering that pinning you in place had been a training game you played with him. He had no prior reason to think that was an inappropriate thing to do. The only difference had been the fact that you hadn't wanted to talk to him, hadn't wanted to look at his face even. And that he'd done a piss poor job at pinning down your legs as though he hadn't learned anything at all from your time with him in the hyperbolic time chamber. So maybe it was partially his fault too...

No. No. You couldn't shift any of the blame to him. You'd been the one to actually hurt him. That was on you. He shouldn't have needed to worry about you kneeing him. And you had to keep reminding yourself of that every time you started to think that it might have been partially his fault too.

With a airy sort of grunt you finally balled up the nerves to suck it up and finally confront him. As you decided to do that you also reconstituted an entire roasted duck. Unless he'd been sneaking out of the room for midnight munchies, Gohan hadn't actually eaten anything in a while. And that seemed very detrimental to his health. Caloric deficit and all of that. Maybe you should have done up a huge thing of brownies or something but the first thing you'd thought of had been meat. There was nothing like biting into something else's flesh and rendering it the good old fashioned way. So with the apology duck in hand you made your way to the room he was hold up in.

You knocked at the door using your foot. Only to receive no response. Rude. Then again he was probably sleeping to conserve energy. So you tried again and again until you finally got an answer.

"Go away Trunks."

"I'm not Trunks," you said as you tried to make it sound more humorous than you felt. "And I've already told you - I'm not leaving you."

Unless he really wanted you to of course. Your stomach churned tightly inside at the thought. Honestly, it would probably be in his best interest to call things off. Then he wouldn't have to worry about any of your baggage or issues; almost all of which revolved around his mother and his father in some way.

"Open up Gohan," you said shortly after. "Unless you're that mad at me...then that's okay too."

You stood awkwardly for about a second. Your eyes looked around the very narrow, curved corridor as you debated setting down the duck and moving on. Gohan opened the door as you just started to lean down to put the cooked duck on the ground in front of his door. You stood back up abruptly and practically shoved the dish into his chest.

With a look of surprise Gohan reflexively grabbed the dish which had been shoved at him. He looked at you with wide eyes, then at the food. The wide, dark orbs quickly returned to you as you took a half step back.

"I'm sorry I kneed you," you finally apologized.

"Why did you?"

"I was mad. I didn't want to talk and you pinned me down. And if I licked...bit your neck...or something like I use'd have liked that so it probably wouldn't have worked. Seemed like the only thing to do," you halfway mumbled as you avoided looking him in the eye.

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