Chapter 121

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One

You groaned as you pushed the book as far away from you as possible. While still being on the table of course. Your head touched the cool plastic masquerading as wood as you stretched your arms out, scooting back in your chair to accomplish such an undignified pose.

"That's attractive," came a rather snarky voice.

"Shut up," you grumbled and fully embraced the unattractive lump you made.

After a while you sat youself back up to glare at the man who ordained it was his right to sit before you.

"How is any of this," you motioned towards the classical literature analysis in front of you, "going to help with life?!"

"It's not," Sharpner said bluntly. "It's just some stupid stuff some old white guys still thought was important to make them feel like their own education is still relevant."

"It's stupid," you complained. "It's stupid and pointless."

The blond just laughed. You were so tempted to throw your pencil at him. With your luck though you'd forget to regulate your strength and end up killing the poor guy. Considering that he was currently the only friend you had left...not exactly something you wanted to do.

"Come on, you need fresh air before your head explodes," Sharpner came up with the best idea ever.

You agreed but got irritated as he immediately started walking away. The urge tp fling a pencil at him was back with a vengeance. He was walking off while you were working on trying to get everything back into a suddenly useless ass shoulder bag. You recognized that you were already irritated but ... how the hell did you get everything to fit the first time?!

"Just leave it. Only really desperate nerds are going to steal that stuff."

He wasn't wrong. You decided to leave everything but your actual phone and wallet on the table you had claimed for the day. As you started walking out of the library there was a pop; resembling the sound of static popping in the air. That, along with a familiar energy structure, let you know that someone had used instant transmission.

"Hey how does bear sound for dinner?"

Goku's voice came to you almost at the same time as Sharpner's: "woah, what the fuck?!"

You reached up to pat Sharpner on the shoulder reassuring. "Don't worry, he does that a lot."

"...what?" The normal teenager asked as his mouth hung open. " it a Space Viking type thing?"

"Nope," you replied. "It's a him thing."

Sharpner nodded, pretending to understand. He was still trying to cope with the heavy truth you'd laid out for him a while back, when the whole Broly thing was going on.

"Wasn't he in that tournament with you guys too?"

You nodded as you turned back around to address the elephant in the room. Goku stood there with an open expression, eyes taking in his surroundings but never straying too long.

"Bear is fine if that's what you want to make."

"Good. Cause I already got us one."

"Where would you even get bear meat?" Sharpner asked from behind you.

You smiled slightly, the feeling of mirth foreign after this last month. You couldn't wait to hear how this conversation went. Vaguely you wondered if Sharpner would like the taste of bear.

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