Chapter 77

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Seventy-seven

Goku stopped in mid air, his posture guarded and ready to strike. Within a few seconds he had to move around one of the people who decided that his sudden lack of aggression meant that there was an opportunity. When he did he finally saw where the familiar voice was coming from - you. His eyes widened and he dropped down from the sky so swiftly that there was practically a gap left by his absence. Once he was on the ground he stared at you in disbelief. You moved over to him. When you got near you planted your feet wide and put your hands on your hips aggressively.

He said your name in disbelief. You gave him the moment to try and figure out what was going on. Especially when you noticed that his eyes went from your face to above your head, then back again in confusion. Once a reasonable couple of seconds passed, you shifted in your spot and crossed your arms.

"What were you doing?" You asked him again in a terse tone.

"Fighting. can't be here. This is the other world," he said in a mixed of confused and nearly hostile emotions. Which only got darker as he too planted his feet rather aggressively and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, I know."

"You can't be here. You can't be dead. Wait...Did Gohan break you?" His words were put in a tone that suggested he had much darker parts on that thought train that he wasn't saying.

You reared back at how violent the waves that started to roll off of him felt. And before he seriously figured out a way to murder Gohan from the afterlife, you decided to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Goku, I'm still alive. Gohan didn't hurt me. The supreme Kai brought me here because you were being a big baby."

What else did you call someone who was throwing a tantrum? Besides you wanted your words to make an impact. Judging by the way that he looked at you, you had to say that you were successful in that at least. Though you could still see that hard look on his eyes that let you know he wasn't happy at all.

"I was trying to come see you."

"And do what?" You challenged Goku as you stared at him critically.

"Get you away from Gohan," Goku said plainly.

"'re dead."

His jaw clenched. "I don't care."

"You should. You can't even open a door in the real world right now. How did you figure you were going to take me away from him?"

"I don't know. I don't care. I would have figured out something. I don't care if you can't keep your promise on your own, from now on I'll help."

Your arms slowly loosened and dropped from their crossed position as you tried to understand what he was talking about. What promise had you made him that you hadn't kept? Or hadn't intended to keep? You couldn't think of anything and the frustration started to set in.

"What promise?" You asked in a fairly aggressive tone because of the confused frustration that you felt.

"You promised not to touch anyone like that," Goku said sharply as his arms also uncrossed and dropped to his sides. Though there was a lot more tension in his as he clenched his fists than in yours.

"...when did I promise that?"

"When we were in the hotel room. When you started putting rules on everything. I didn't understand it then; not really. But you were right to make up all of those rules. Almost. Watching you touch Gohan...that wasn't embarrassing. It made me angry, very angry," The saiyan man said as he moved forward.

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