Chapter 55

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter fifty-five

Your bed became a cocoon as you curled into yourself. You weren't crying exactly but you also weren't sure you could summon the energy to stop if you sat up. It felt like you were going to break into hundreds of pieces if you moved. That's how shattered your life had become as you said goodbye to Goku.

The pure light streamed through your window in an absolutely annoying way.  With how much has happened it felt like the sun should already be setting. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. The sun was at its peak in the sky as midday finally kicked off.

You rolled over onto your other side so that you could face away from the window. When you did you only had a few more moments until Gohan popped into the picture. He looked completely roughed up still. Your stomach clenched with guilt at the site of him. One of his arms were still popped out of place, hanging uselessly at his side. The shoulder joint looked positively grotesque. And that wasn't even half of it. His clothes where in tatters revealing more flesh than they covered. Which meant that you could see the rapid onset of bruises. Each one you spotted making the guilt rise in your system.

"Gohan..." you breathed out in worry. 

He smiled briefly, the look more a pain filled grimace than a smile. "Hey. Think you can help reset my arm?"

"I would," you said weakly. "But I have no idea how to. You should go to the hospital."

"If I go they'll call mom. And then she'll ask a lot of questions about what happened."

Even tightly clenched as it was you felt that in your stomach. Oh. Definitely not a good thing then. But not wanting her to poke around your life while Gohan was standing in front of you as beat up as he was felt wrong. You slowly sat up from your bed and offered him a pathetic smile in an attempt to be comforting.

"You should still go to the hospital. Your health is more important."

"I don't want to go to a hospital. Besides, I've studied how to relocate my shoulder. This isn't the first time it's happened to me you know. I can walk you through how to do it. Please?"

You stood up with a fragile expression on your face. You listened to Gohan's explanation word for word as he guided you through what do do. The sickening crunch like souls that came as a result of slipping everything back into joint was definitely going on your nightmare list. But Gohan suffered through it in relative silence. Which only reminded you of how he screamed at the tournament when he'd been stabbed and nearly sucked dry of energy. If he could go through you popping his shoulder back into place without a word, how painful must it have been to make him scream like that?

As you moved slightly away from the makeshift sling, your fingers ghosted of the massive bruising that had formed at the connection point. Knowing that it was your fault you couldn't help but feel an excess rush of guilt and shame. Even after everything that had happened, how strong you had become, you had needed Gohan's help to stop you from doing something really bad. Because when it came to Goku it didn't matter how much training you had. His will was your weakness. If it hadn't been for the fact that he'd become incorporeal, you weren't even sure that your refusal would have held up. Especially if he had kept holding you as he had.

"Gohan, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't have signaled if...I just never thought Goku would hurt you like this..."

"It was a surprise for me too," Gohan responded as he kept his seat on your bed. "Even when we trained together he was never that ruthless. The only time I've ever seen him that mad was back on Namek with Frieza. But it was different this time too."

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