Chapter 98

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Ninety-eight

Gohan stood as a seriously imposing figure at the end of the bed. His frown made you feel like shit as all your insecurities surfaced. He must have finally realized that you weren't perfect, that you were too flawed to fit into his life, that you were a broken doll masquerading as a real person. You tried to consul yourself with the fact that you'd told him at the start that it would be okay if he didn't want to be in a relationship with you even after everything you and he had been through. Or had you only told that to Goku? You couldn't be sure. Not with the very disappointed look he had on his face.

You kept quiet and still as Gohan gathered his thoughts. It felt as though your heart had sped up in your chest and yet everything else had been frozen cold. Just because you may or may not have given him an exit clause at the start didn't mean that it wasn't going to suck. But you couldn't blame him either - this was all on you. You had too much baggage for him to deal with on top of all the mistakes you kept making. Sure you were still barely out of being a teenager but with the amount and kind of mistakes you were making, you knew that wasn't an excuse.

"It's okay," you said quietly as your hands gripped around the bed.  "I told you at the start that I'm a patchwork doll, that I'm not perfect. It's okay that you've finally realized that. Because honestly you've been so's been wonderful."

"Been?" Gohan finally voiced as he shifted, his arms dropping from his side. "What do you mean been?"

"I mean we can still be friendly right? After you break this off I mean."

" think I want to break up?"

You nodded as you tried to keep your breathing regular. Hope and disappointment waged a war inside of you. But your pride wouldn't let you show it; you couldn't show him how week and fragile you felt at the moment.

"Yeah. And that's okay wonderboy. I get it. I finally pissed you off too much cause I did something without thinking again. I told you I wasn't perfect."

He called your name, making you flinch. But without waiting too long Gohan continued. "I am angry. Maybe a little at you but mostly at myself and Trunks. Right now I'm fighting the urge to rip his hands from his body to make myself feel better."

You looked at Gohan with widened eyes. Hope, despair, and shock were now the ones brewing a storm inside of you. You almost couldn't contain everything when Gohan took a seat at the edge of the bed.

"You thought I was going to break up with you because you made a mistake?" Gohan asked in a serious, pleading type of voice.

Once again you nodded. Gohan let out a shaky breath as he looked down at his hands. His shoulders were hunched over a little as he contemplated yet another negative thing from that day.

"Did you ever think my dad would do that to you?"

"I told him after we...I mean I told him that I wouldn't blame him if he did," you replied honestly. "So yeah, you could say that."

"Did he ever seem like he wanted to let you go?" Gohan asked as he slowly looked to you with such mixed emotions.

"...considering that we're on a different planet because he doesn't want to, I don't think so."

"Even after he married my mom, he wants you. Even after 18 years of not being with you, he wants you. Even after you told him you weren't married anymore...after you denied him that kind of relationship in the future, he wants you. Even though you and I started sleeping together, that we are engaged, he still wants you."

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