Chapter 30

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Thirty

It was hard to forget that Gohan was Goku's son. However as the week went on it was easier to see that he wasn't the same person. There were similarities that went so deep that at times it hurt to be near him. But he expressed them in different ways. For example, Gohan had the same urge to be a hero. Except, unlike Goku, Gohan knew that everyone knowing that he was the one saving people could be bad. He thought about his and his family's privacy. That had never been a concern that Goku seemed to have. Gohan also was a lot more studious than Goku. His test scores hadn't been a fluke.

You found that out the hard way when he saw you struggling with a science problem. He was relentless and determined that you would understand the concept even if it killed him. You were less certain.

"Okay look, this picture here shows how the particles interact normally," Gohan pointed out as he sat beside you. "And this one here shows how they react when they're superheated."

"Why do they react differently?" You asked.

Unfortunately this wasn't the first time you'd asked in the last hour. This boy seemed to have unyielding amounts of patience. So once again Gohan went over the work. And he even started going off on a tangent that wasn't in the book. After a while he noticed that you stopped taking down notes and simply watched him. A nervous and embarrassed blush fell over his face as he went quiet.


"Don't be sorry for who you are Gohan," you told him, feeling a pang of Deja'vu. "You spent a lot of your time learning all of this. You don't need to be sorry about it. I'm just not a super brain like you."

"I'm sure if you applied yourself--"

You put your hand to his mouth as you shook his head. "And that's where we're different. I'm not that dedicated. I make way too many mistakes unlike you wonder boy."

"I make mistakes too," Gohan replied with ernest. As far as he was concerned he made way too many of them.

"Uh huh, like when?" You challenged him, leaning back in your chair.

"Well, like this morning. I accidentally revealed that I'm the great Saiyaman."

Oh that was way too good. You had expected that he'd last longer than a few days. You'd thought maybe a month until someone figured it out. But no, one week. That had to be some kind of record. One that amused you greatly. And it showed on your face as well as the way you laughed.

"It's not funny! I really blew it. And now the girl is threatening to tell everyone if I don't go on a date with her."

Huh, okay, that wasn't so cool. You calmed down as you looked at him, tilting your head slightly as you thought about the situation. You were pretty sure that Gohan felt obligated to go considering how highly he valued his 'Saiyaman' concept. But still - blackmailed into a date. That wasn't the sign of a good person as far as you were concerned.

"Did you want me to help?" You asked him.

"How can you do that?"

"Tomorrow we'll go talk with her. But you should be getting back to your mom. It's getting late."

Gohan looked at his watch. Barely functional as it was, you also found out a few days ago that it hid his Saiyaman costume.

"Yikes, moms going to kill me," Gohan fretted. "I'm supposed to be home right now."

You smiled teasingly at the boy, knowing that he was such a mommas boy. It was amusing to watch him fret. So much so that you almost forgot the very complicated situation you were in with his family. Though given that Goku was dead...maybe it wasn't so complicated.

"Okay lets see I can probably make it in ten minutes if I kick it up a notch...but it's dark outside and I could run into helicopters if I'm not careful. Not to mention bats..."

He wasn't talking to you so much as talking to himself. He over thought things sometimes. Or so you were beginning to realize.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

"Uh, really? Are you sure?"

"Uhmm," you agreed, standing up. "I know how to do it, might as well put it to good use right?"

Gohan smile brilliant. He watched as you stretched, tail going straight out as well. His eyes flickered back to it as well as to you as you worked out the kinks from hunching over your book. Your tail swayed back and forth a few times as you lazily put away your school supplies.

Slowly, as though you were going to turn around and bite him, Gohan reaches out. His hand brushed up against your contented appendage. Stroking it with fond memories. You froze as you felt tingles race up and down your spine. That definitely put goosebumps down your arm.

"Ah! Sorry!" Gohan apologized as he realized what he'd just done. Or at least what he thought he'd done.

You turned back to look at him with a blush heating up your cheeks. There had been no way you had expected that sensation to form so quickly. It was comforting when you petted and groomed your own tail. It was better when someone else did it apparently.

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I just saw it kind of swaying there and...well, I used to have a tail too you see," Gohan confided to you in a whisper.

Well, that was interesting. You looked at him with a great amount of curiosity as you tried to get your blush to depart. You focused on breathing and reminding yourself that Gohan definitely hadn't meant anything by it. Heck, you hadn't known that it was sensitive in that special, intimate way too. The things you learned about your body every day...

"You did?" You asked after you cleared your throat.

"Yep! I was born with a tail too. I had it until I went to trail with Piccolo. I guess when I transformed, I kind of started destroying everything around me," Gohan laughed nervously. "Piccolo took my tail off. But it kept coming back whenever I needed it to survive. Which was lucky. I guess I kind of miss it some days. ...But that doesn't mean I should have touched yours! I'm sorry."

You remembered your parents telling you something about a saiyan transformation. They hadn't known all the details, just the horror stories associated with saiyans and full moons. You were starting to understand the truth behind the hype. After all it wasn't too long ago that Goku mentioned that his Grandpa Gohan had been killed by a giant monkey. And then you found out that it had to do with saiyans and the full moon. Gohan had just confirmed that a transformation took place too. You were going to have to watch out for that.

"Gohan, calm down. It didn't hurt. I just wasn't expecting it," you spoke out, trying to be less embarrassed about the whole thing.

Gohan started to walk backwards, laughing nervously as he did. He said something about needing to get home. To which you responded by grabbing his hand and leading him outside of the school's library. Gohan was silent as he looked down at where your hand was connected to his. He had no idea if that was normal girl behavior but it felt embarrassing.

You stopped once you led him outside. And since no one was around you took the moment to focus your thoughts to go there. Gohan felt like his whole body had been jerked through a tunnel. Once he stopped he knew that it was over and that he was home.

Gohan smiled as he looked at his watch. Good. It looked like his mom wasn't going to kill him. With a polite goodbye, Gohan left you at the edge by his name sake's house, never knowing the turmoil you felt when you realized that you'd led him by the hand too.

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