Chapter 83

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Eighty-three

You felt Gohan shift uneasily as you swayed with him to the music. Once more the music had slowed down but that was because of the fact that it was the prom King's and Queen's time to dance. Everyone else had joined around them after a few seconds. Well, everyone who wanted to dance and had a dance partner that was. Somehow yours seemed more nervous in this dance than he had in the quicker ones before it.

You said nothing about it for the first minute or two. Instead, as it continued, you looked up at him to see if you could read the emotions despite the shadows on his face. From what you could tell he seemed to either be thinking about something a great deal or he was trying to concentrate.



"What's wrong?" You asked in a whisper.

He frowned slightly but that didn't disguise the embarrassed blush that quickly warmed up his face. You stopped moving but that didn't seem to curb his embarrassment. Nor had he answered you yet, though you could probably take an educated guess if you wanted to at that point. You pulled him towards a corner of the gym that had round tables draped in fabric.

"Spill," you commanded as you pushed him into the seat.

He looked extremely nervous even as he fell into the chair. There was no fear of actually falling of course. He had pretty much let you push him. But there was something else going on in that brilliant mind of his that he hadn't filled you in on.

"The dance is almost over," Gohan said quietly. You had to lean in to hear him over the music.

"Yeah, So?"

His face was red. Which was probably your biggest clue. The next clue you got was when he pulled you down by the hands. You quickly twisted yourself so that you sat across his lap, his chest pressed into your side. Otherwise you'd have ended up in a much more awkward position on the ground in front of him. And while the chaperones of the dance might have seen you, they didn't come to bother either you or Gohan. A little affection in public was expected at the dance after all. And as far as appearances went, sitting across someone's lap such as you were was one of the last things they should have been concerned about.

They just didn't know that Gohan was semi-hard against the side of your thigh now. And you weren't about to draw it to their attention. He wasn't like pitching a tent or anything but he'd cleared the ground off and had everything ready to go, metaphorically speaking.

"Maybe we should stop touching in public if it's a problem," you offered cautiously. You were more curious as to why it's become a problem during a slow song over the others though. And since you had no reason not to ask, you did just that. "Why now? Why not earlier?"

He looked cute when he was nervous. Like a loveable puppy that thought it was about to get into trouble. Despite the fact that you still felt the string from earlier, you were big enough to admit that to yourself.

He lowered his voice and his gaze. You were suddenly low-key jealous of how thick his eyelashes were. "Earlier when I asked about the clothes you said that came later. It's later. On top of that, I kept thinking that this dance was almost like a wedding," Gohan admitted. "Our wedding."

Damn. Damn. Double damn.

You hadn't gotten time to talk to him about the negotiations that you underwent with Goku. You had told him about the rules you'd tried to put up the first time but...well you hadn't told him much about the second time. You'd been avoiding that subject too well.

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