Chapter 51

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Fifty-one

You stared at the spot above you, looking up in disbelief to the roof. Everything had happened so quickly that you barely had time to process. Yesterday you'd told Chichi that you'd feed and look after her boys so she could at least have a few hours with Goku. The offer had been a bitter pill that almost stuck in your throat but you'd made it. No matter your opinions on the woman she had raised a wonderful boy in Gohan. And from what you had seen of Goten so far he wasn't so bad; he was a bundle of energy but he was a very happy little boy and usually really polite. You felt that they were a credit to all that Goku was and it was more than you'd ever done; more than you were ready to undertake at least. You felt she deserved something for that effort, even if it was just time to talk or...not talk. It was the last part, knowing that they could be intimate, which had been the harder part to deal with. Of course even the idea of them just cuddling, holding hands, or talking was hard - the longer you pictured it the harder it got. Which was why you'd made the offer to her quickly before thinking it through. And she'd accepted with a bit of pleading from Goten and assurance from Gohan.

After that you'd taken them to a buffet so they could stuff their faces right beside you. That poor buffet. You were pretty sure that the manager regretting charging the kid price for Goten. He ate more than any human adult. After dinner you'd taken Goten to a large, rarely used park to play a few games. Something that ended up very much like Fetch and when Gohan joined in, it became keep away. At some point Goten turned it into a game of Tag when he decided to tackle you. You supposed that was probably his favorite game. With the intensity that you and Gohan had set he'd gotten tired out pretty quickly. Though not too tired to turn down ice-cream on the way back, even though he'd been too tired to walk back so Gohan carried him.

You and the boys had gotten back to your studio. You'd put Gohan on shower duty for at least his brother (who was far messier than him) and he'd taken the opportunity to wash up as well. You'd taken their clothes to wash up and dry before morning, giving each of them something to wear until then. After your own shower you climbed into bed with Goten, offering Gohan the spot on the other side of his brother if he wanted it since you didn't have a couch. He'd decided against it and slept next to your large window, telling you about sleeping under the stars on the ground when training with Piccolo. Apparently other than his mom's cooking he'd missed having a bed a lot during that time.

That had been why you thought Gohan had climbed into bed at some point. You'd left the invitation open.You figured with Goten between you and another person the morning wouldn't be so bad. Your heat rarely set in full force before noon; and by rarely you meant that it hadn't since you'd come back to Earth. Unfortunately, that morning proved to be different and you were starting to think it was your bed partner's fault. The other person who climbed into your bed hadn't been Gohan. He'd disappeared at some point.

It had been Goku that joined you and Goten in bed. Goku - the same man who was supposed to be spending time with his second wife. The wife that he actually remembered and had lived with for years prior to dying. So to see him in bed with you even if he'd naturally taken up the spot on the other side of his youngest son, had been shocking. You didn't understand why he was even there to begin with and how it was that you didn't sense him climbing into bed. He was hard to sense being dead and all but...seriously, you hadn't woken up when a grown man climbed into bed with you? That seemed like it was going to be a problem. Especially since it seemed to wake up your sex drive early. Which in turn caused the whole mess that just happened.

You bit your finger as you stared up at your ceiling. What were you going to do?

Slowly you sat up, still dazed. Honestly now you were hot and bothered. Goku had seen to that. The blush on your face as you thought about what had just been about to happen, what you had accepted under very pleasant persuasion, ran across your mind. But there were other pressing matters. Namely all of the Son boys. Goten was on the roof no doubt impatiently waiting for you and a bag of cookies. Then there was Goku and Gohan to attend to as well. From what you could tell Gohan's energy was flaring. The longer the silence dragged on the stronger his energy got. But preceding his energy was what you assumed was Goku's. Dead or not once something climbed that high that quickly it was impossible not to feel it.

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