Chapter 76

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter Seventy-six

"We need to leave right away."

You stared at the supreme Kai as though he had grown another head. For a guy who was supposed to watch over all the universes or however that worked, he was rather impatient. Once you'd heard that he needed you to calm Goku down and had a plan so that you could actually do that, he wanted you to leave right away. Which was a bad idea. In fact you had quickly moved yourself away from the purple guy so that he didn't try to take you with him right away. He might not have an issue with the fact that you were naked from the waist down but you did. Not to mention the natural sweat and fluids that came with the unprotected sex you had just had with Gohan. Which, if you weren't already pregnant, you'd have worried about a whole lot more than you did. But as far as you knew you couldn't get more pregnant from having sex while you were already pregnant. So what you worried about more was the fact that you were a bit messy and undressed. Oh, and that Gohan was still asleep.

But you decided to fix what you could do on your own before having to ask the Supreme Kai for a damned thing. Although the fact that the man followed you impatiently to the bathroom after you quickly gathered some clothes did annoy you. Mostly you were just trying to ignore the fact that he existed. Which was rather prideful, sure, but you never claimed to be a perfect person. Even though Gohan had repeatedly told you that you were...but he was pretty bias.

As you closed the bathroom door before the supreme Kai could walk in and make things more awkward you finally answered him. "If I go to Goku without getting cleaned up...well let's just say what would happen next would probably make what's happening now look like no big deal. He's got a kickass sense of smell and...well, you know..."

"But he already knows the you have engaged in coitus with Gohan."

That thought wasn't a new one for you. You had suspected as much the moment he described what Goku was doing. At the same time it still made you feel quite nervous and afraid. You were going in to try to calm him down as yet you (and Gohan) were the reason he was enraged to begin with. Still you didn't want to be so blatant and rub Goku's face in what just happened regardless of the situation. Besides the idea of walking around without an attempt at being hygienic disgusted you.

"And I'm not going to make it worse on purpose. Just give me a couple minutes to scrub down. Go ahead and wake up Gohan while I'm in the shower. If you want to save time you can explain what's happening while I'm cleaning up. If not I'll try to."

Though given his latest pleas for you to not wish Goku back, it was possible that Zane might try to stop you. And with how anxious you were you might let him. After all...Goku was destroying the afterlife. People there were already dead. So surely they didn't need any of the same resources they did when they were alive. Letting Goku destroy something so you didn't have to face him was a cowards move. Besides you owed Goku more than that. Either way you were going to make sure that Gohan knew what was happening. It would be rude to let him wake up alone. He might think you ran off on him. Or something worse. You weren't willing to plant that insecurity into his head. You knew first hand how much it sucked to feel that way.

You scrubbed down as quickly as you could, barely bothering to dry your hair when you got out as you put on clothes. By the time that you moved back into main room of your studio apartment Gohan was already awake. And you noticed that he had pulled his pants back on even if his shoes were still off. You also noticed that he didn't look happy.

Gohan stood up from the bed and moved over towards you. You had sort of stopped when you saw how unhappy he looked after, presumably, listening to the Supreme Kai's explanation. He looked over you with perfect posture, a look that might intimidate others. But he didn't even so much as reach for your hand.

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