Chapter 112

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Dragonball: Unforgotten
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

Even as you consciously realized that you were back on Earth, everything in your body still felt shaky. So much had happened to and around you that you really just wanted the planet to stop moving so you could get off. And yet out of the three planets you'd knowingly been on in your life, Earth was still the best. There was just a lot for you to do on Earth that didn't exist on either Yardrats or Namek. Not to mention the fact that aliens were still a bit creepy - the fact that you technically were an alien notwithstanding.

"I'm back early," you tried to say casually to the guys.

From what you could see and feel, Vegeta had taken off with Trunks. Trunks had gotten pretty beat up after all. He might have had more training sessions after he wished to be an adult but he still hadn't been anywhere near everyone else's levels.

"You guys look like you could use a senzu bean," you remarked looking between Goku and Gohan. "...and some new clothes."

You weren't entirely sure which would be more important at the moment. You were inclined to believe it was the senzu bean. Broly hadn't played nicely after all. You looked off to the distance as multiple flickers of energy made it into your mental radar. They were still a bit out of course but you could feel them nonetheless.

With a sigh you sat on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Goku asked in confusion.

Your hand raised to point at the general direction where the energies were coming from. "Goten, Piccolo and someone else are just a couple minutes out. It would seem rude if we just up and left before they got here."

"That's Krillin," Gohan filled one as he took a seat in front of you. You could practically hear how many bruises he had forming with the sluggish way he moved.

Goku on the other hand looked confused. "Are you guys sure? I don't feel anyone."

That was odd. Really odd. While you stared at Goku in confusion, Gohan spent a moment to reaffirm what you'd said. Goku looked perhaps more confused than you, if that was possible. Even so he sat right beside you.

And then suddenly you were in his lab. You tended up expecting something to happen. Something beyond Gohan glaring at his father. But all Goku did was wrap his one good arm around you and put his head on top. Your nose wrinkled as you realized he'd worked up a good amount of sweat in the last fight as well as from that morning. When was the last time he'd gotten a shower?

"Hmm I don't know," Goku seemed to answer your thought. "Do I need one?"

"Need what?"

"A shower."

"...did I say that aloud?"

"Say what aloud?" Gohan asked in confusion.

"That he," you thumped your head against Goku slightly, "needed a shower."

Gohan shook his head no. Which only confused you.

"I just listened to your thoughts," Goku said casually. "King kai showed me how before I went to Namek. But it only works if I'm touching someone's head and I know them pretty well."

"...Goku..." you let out slowly.

Goku tilted his head atop of yours, "yeah?"

"My thoughts are mine. You keep out."

He pouted. "But I was just trying to see how you beat Broly. It's faster and you wouldn't have to talk if you didn't want to."

Oh dear lord. He was actually able to look through your memories? Not just your surface thoughts? How did he even make sense of it all? You'd lived and done it and even you had a hard time understanding everything that had been happening. Your thoughts were like a whirlwind.

"Okay. New rule...number whatever we're on. No mind reading. It's not allowed."

"Hmmm if you say so," Goku aquisted. "I'll think of something later."

"So what happened?" Gohan interjected, drawing your attention away from Goku's warm hand.

With the way he was pushing lightly on your stomach you guessed he was trying to make good on his desire to feel his kid growing. You kept Gohan's eyes as you tried to keep your mind off of the fact that you were still comfortably sitting on Goku's lap.

"I took Broly to Yardrats," you started out in full honesty. "Except for what just happened...he's calm when he's away from you guys. And Yardrats was the only place I knew I could use instant transmission to get to that was away from Earth. He and I sort of talked a little...I think I hurt his feelings when I said I was scared of him. Either way I think...he'll be okay now."

"It's Broly," Gohan said slowly with a worried frown. "I mean before we even went to Namek, you wished that he could control his anger and look at what he still did. What he did to you. He doesn't want to be okay."

"He's got a point," Goku said; his frown was in his voice. "Broly could have hurt you."

"Maybe. But he definitely would have killed you guys."

And 5...4...3...2...1...

"Big brother!"

Today was a long day and it still wasn't over.

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