Chapter 25

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Dragonball: Unforgotten

Chapter Twenty-five

Right after Namek went boom...

Goku groaned and panted as he slowly made his way out of one of the Ginyu force's pods. It had finally landed in the pre-programmed coordinates. He just hoped that while he was battered and bruised, that he didn't run into any strong opponents that wanted to see him dead. He wasn't sure he could pull through it this time. Chichi would kill him; then again from how he crash landed on this planet it didn't seem like he was going to have a way home. The ship look thrashed.

With a bit of regret, Goku started to walk away from the crash site. He didn't get very far before he stopped; more aptly stated, before he was stopped. As exhausted as he was, Goku tried his best to ready a defense as the strongest natives of the planet approached him. The people who got to him, however, didn't really seem like fighters...but Goku knew better by now than to judge someone's strength on their appearance.

One of the men (he assumed it was a guy...they all kind of looked like guys to him) stepped forward. Goku took him as the kind of leader.

"Can't say it's good to see you again Goku," the man spoke out, his bulging eyes taking in the sight of the saiyan before him.

"Huh? Do I know you?" Goku asked as he tilted his head in confusion.

"We only met that once. Besides you wouldn't recognize me in this form," the alien said. "What are you doing here? Are you here for my daughter?"

The other aliens around him didn't seem to like what the slightly aggressive sounding one said. They all looked around to one each other with their bulbous purple heads, as quietly as they could. Goku really had no idea what was going on.

"Uh sir...I think there's been a mistake," Goku tried to be polite. "I don't know you and I'm not here for anyone's daughter. Honest. I just crash landed after fighting with Frieza--

Another one of the purple skinned aliens spoke up in an outraged voice, "You're on the run from Frieza? Why did you come here? Go! Go back! We don't want you here, you'll bring nothing but trouble!"

"Criz," the first man who spoke up barked out in reprimand.

"Don't give me that. He'll bring nothing but pain to our planet. It's bad enough that you and your sister are harboring that one saiyan female. We don't need another of their kind here. Especially one that's running from Frieza. Do you think our planet can survive another attack from the Ginyu force? NO! WHY DO YOU THINK THEY WERE HERE TO BEGIN WITH HUH?"

Goku had a strange feeling that he'd just walked into an old grudge. And judging from the way that the inhabitants of this planet had started to make sounds back and forth between one another, he was pretty sure that he'd just sparked a debate of some sorts. Still, Goku did understand one thing. If he didn't get food and some rest he wasn't going to make it for too long. Not to mention he didn't have a way home. So unless they were going to launch him into space he had to do something...

"Hey guys, not to be rude or anything but you don't have to worry about the Ginyu force. I took care of them. They're gone. Frieza is too. He blew up with Namek."

That took the wind right out of the angry alien's sails.

"Wait, you killed them all?"

Goku smiled sheepishly as he started to rub at the back of his head. But even as he went to do that he winced at how much pain such a simple action caused. On instinct his hand went to wrap around one of his ribs to try and put pressure to it. Yeah, definitely felt broken. Not good.

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