Part 1: Selection process

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Part 1: Selection process

The morning in the Seoul Sanitarium & Hospital Orphanage is always loud & busy with children Eating there breakfast & bickering with each other, sound of food being cooked inside the kitchen can be heard. but there is one person who isn't affected by the loud noise & is snoring lightly. Ofcourse Jennie Kim is not a morning person, to stop her dreaming like crazy , park chaeyoung came into her room opening the door loud quickly jumping into her bed to wake her up.

"HEY, RISE & SHINE JEN, wake up!! WAKE UP !! "


Jennie grumpily hit chaeyoung with the pillow & burried herself under the blanket. "hey !! wake up , WE GOT IN" waving a letter in her hand chaeyoung try to wake her up.

after hearing those words jennie wake up & sat straight with her eyes wide open she snatched the letter from her & read it . after few minute she scream louder " AAAaaaa !!! really we are in rosieee " she hugged chaeyoung, both girls were a crying mess. why wouldn't they be both got a full scholarship in SNU a prestigious universities in seoul where only those people can enter who have big brain or have big pockets full of money.

A knock broke there emotional hug, mother Sol who is close to both girls who always motivates them to work harder in there life ,walked in towards the girls with a bright smile. " I thought chaeng scared you, jennie. (*giggling*)Congratulations to both of you , you girls have worked hard. i am proud of you"

"Thanks mother sol" both girls acknowledged her.
"look how the time goes by , once you both were kids roaming around the kitchen eating food at night and now u both turned into two beautiful souls" mother sol remember  those childhood memories of both girls with soft eyes.
both girls giggled and hug mother sol "we will miss u mother" chaeyoung replied . both girls were infant when they were left in the care of mother sol in this orphanage. Mother sol is oldest one in this orphanage and these 2 girls are really close to her . these three don't have any blood relation but there love is strong and thick than the blood .
" now let start preparing for your new journey girls & make us proud. everyone is really excited with the news and waiting for you downstairs . comeon lets have breakfast" mother sol said

both girls nodded, & left to eat there breakfast. downstairs at dining area, all staff and children in the orphanage greeted them with there regards & warm wishes.they all have high expectations from them , some children really want to be like them , they are there motivation to work harder like them.
but both the girls are really nervous with the attention they are getting today.

Rose: unnie m excited but a little it nervous too.

Jennie: Why?

Rose: i don't know it always gives me goosebumps to just think about SNU . I can't wait to join but also i feel pressure , if i do things right.

Jennie: dont worry rosie, i got your back, we will lookout for eachother always. right!!
'assuring the younger to not stress much'

rosie: always * Smiles wide *

jennie : now please put my cherry tomato back . * with a side grin*

Rosie: how did u? ugh .. * gives back her tomoto back to jennies plate which she stole a while back.
both girls laughed lightly, enjoying there day.


The girls enjoyed there last days in the orphanage as they have already prepared for SNU. They are at rose's room lying in her bed. "Rosie, lets make a promise" jennie said. Chaeng got her attention & she nodded her head to let her unnie to continue. " lets promise to achieve our dreams , we have just taken our first step to success but it will be not be easy for us to survive. From Tomorrow we will do our best " jennie said . Rosie replied " you are right unnie , we will do our best, with you by my side i am already confident we will do great. We will always have eachother" .

" Always" both smiling assuring that tomorrow they have there first step to the nee future. And they are ready for it
"bring it on SNU we are coming!!"said chaeyoung enthusiastically.


Next morning: they arrive at SNU gate , all mesmerized by the university with there mouth wide open with the view in front of them. Dream to study in SNU is now being completed. they have actually seen it many times from outside the gate, but the feeling when they officially are SNU students is enough to make them feel delighted.Both girls went to find the information corner in SNU . while rose is inside the information center to complete there documents & stuff. jennie was waiting for her outside while observing the surrounding. Students are busy going to there respective classes, some students are sitting near the bench beside the fountain in the mini garden few meters away from information center. jennie could feel she will soon be-like them 'busy college life' she thought.....then she caught a glimpse of a girl, she can only see the back of her , Black long hair , black jeans & a denim jacket , she was going far away to a building while everyone making way for her in the hall...

'going to a class while capturing attention without even trying' jennie thought

rose came out of information center catching her attention & informed about there joint dorm & schedule .

"unnie we will have our SNU Tour will be tomorrow morning at 8am sharp untill then lets grab some lunch."

"oh chaeng u are always hungry"

& they went towards the cafeteria. ordered there food & started looking for seats which they couldnt found. untill they found a girl sitting alone while doing her work in her laptop in the corner. they went to her.

" If the seat is not taken, can we join ? as there are not many empty seats" asked Jennie. the girl looked up with the cold expression to Jennie & rose & then smiled "sure". rose introduced them" Hi i am rose & she is jennie , we are new here." the girl replied with a nod without removing her eyes from the laptop " nice to meet you both m jeongyeon, sorry if m being rude i have to complete this urgently." Chaennie nodded & said sure.

the girl continue doing her work .Jennie & rose eat there lunch in peace & left thanking jeongyeon for her company. they still have time for the tour so they went to find there dorm to settle there belongings there and setup there dorm. there dorm was good and spacious unlike there orphanage which was little conjusted back then . they had two bedrooms in which a locker , a study table , an almirah with a bathroom is allocated to both with a dining room and a kitchen to themselves. after setting up there dorm, both noticed its late already so they decided to order there dinner and went to wash up themselves. after that they went to there bed after the tiring day.

Jennie's POV

I couldn't sleep on my first night here at the dorm so i decided to take a walk near the park beside our dorm to fresh my mind. i went to the park while i saw a girl sitting under a tree with her earpods in her ear with a puppy in her hand puppy was sleeping in her lap and she was looking in the sky. i was really mesmerised with her beauty how can a girl look so ethereal. but what keeps her out here in this chilly night alone. i was about to approach her when a girl few inch taller then her approach her i couldn't see her face because of night bot i saw taller girl talking something nonstop and wrapping a blanket to the smaller girl who just sighed. i was smiling looking at those two from a far , the scene just warms my heart how taller girl sit beside the smaller ones and while stargazing at night. i decided to leave them there and go back to the dorm. it always put a smile in my face when i remember the small girl , i don't know but she provides a feeling of warmth to me. she looked to fragile while stargazing alone. i really wanna approach her but i think she is already taken. oh Jennie Kim you get mesmerised by a stranger who is already taken. get a grip idiot, she thought and went back to sleep.

1425 words
hows the first chapter?
chaennie first day always have each others back and
who caught jennie's attention / crazy day for her right!!
please vote and comment so that i know if this story has potential. hope you guys like it.

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