Part 8: No regrets

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Sorry, I had to unpublish this chapter which was updated before as that was my rough working and it got mixed with the one I originally planned to update. Please forget the previous update and read this originally planned one.


Jisoo went to her dorm which was covered in a disaster, she quickly went to her room to take a quick shower. then she head outside to get breakfast, just outside her building where there dorm was, she met Jennie who didn't noticed her presence was covered in sweat probably because she went for a walk.
then last night encounter with jennie revolves in her mind.

"jennie-shi" jisoo called her in her monotone husky voice and expressionless face.
jennie turned towards her in surprise humming a little "umm hi jisoo-shi, how are you feeling today" in her little voice.

"jennie-shi, am sorry about last night, i didn't mean to be rude to you."
"i know you are really stubborn. you should know how to let others help you sometimes."
"umm how did you noticed my injury"
" am not an idiot jisoo-shi, i would take a minute for anyone to know about it"
"thanks you are also stubborn as i think last night l you helped me, and i do feel better, i do apologize for being rude towards you"
a little blush can seen on jennie's cheeks.

"ohk if you feel that way, you can repay me by accompanying me to breakfast"
"s-sure jennie-shi"
"remove the formalities as we are basically neighbors, so lets be friends now as we will see each other often" jennie said with her gummy smile.

"you won't leave me huh!! then friends it is!!" jisoo said extending her hands for a handshake which jennie accepted
"never!! lets go am hungry".
and the two left.


she rubbed her eyes as sunlight disturbed her sleep, she grunted a little as she opened her eyes. she sat on bed when felt a severe headache. She suddenly remebered the incident happened last night. and she screamed "AAHHHHHH".

"What!! What !! what happen" chaeyoung comes rushing from the bathroom with a nervous & frightened look.

"AAAAHHHHH" lisa screamed again

"AAAHH" chaeyoung jumped in bed frightened.

"stop screaming , Why are we screaming lisa? " chaeyoung covered her mouth with her hands, then carefully removed it.

"Am sorry chaeyoung-ah!!, I t-thought"  Lisa shuttered & peak inside the comforter and heaved a relaxed sigh to see herself fully clothed.

Chaeyoung understanding the situation thought of teasing her.

"Sorry, c-chaeng, i thought we h-had" she shuttered

"You thought what" she teased her with an eyebrow raised faking an angry look

"I-I Thought we h-had, umm s-something last night"

"what are you talking about say it clearly"

"I REMEMBERED WE HAD KISSED LAST NIGHT & I THOUGHT YOU TOOK MY VERGINITY" Lisa kept her eyes shut and rapped it fast with shout that just made her feel more embarassed.

after a few second she heard chaeyoung gigles, so she peaked her one eye open to see her trying to stop laughing. she opened her eyes and looked at chaeyoung with heart eyes. And it was ti,e for chaeyoung to blush when she notice Lisa starring at her.

"Don't look at me like that"

"sorry" lisa diverted her eyes.

"So about last night, if you are embarrased about it or it didn't feel right then~~"

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