Part 9: warmth and care

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After that party, every thing changed between Chaeyoung & Lisa as they started dating now but nothing official as they are still learning about each other. they just want to be low-key & they are take things slow.

as for Jennie and Jisoo are still the same as sometimes jisoo just doesn't speak  or mutter a word with a cold face that made her shiver sometimes for the whole day , Jennie do bother her by talking and clinging to her and annoy the shit out of her and sometimes there were bad days as jisoo gets moody and will show anger and spit bad words just to get away from everyone.

It do hurt her sometimes but she deep down knows that Jisoo is afraid to open up to the world.   Everyone is afraid of her Because of her dark aura. People around jennie warned her to stay away from jisoo as she is not good they always talk bad about jisoo, Ha certain amount of pain in her chest always hurt her whenever she hear bad about her . She don't care about it but sometimes she can't help it , she is also a human.

there's a part of her that wants to know more about this side that jisoo always hide. No one gets past her except the her close friends Seulgi & Lisa

How can we forget the student president, Irene Bae.

She sometimes watch jisoo looking intently at the bulletin board for few minutes. First she thought Jisoo would catch up with the news & notices around campus, but soon she realized that she was staring at the picture of our President Like she is right now now. Jennie was few feet away in the hallway & has caught her again staring at the bulletin board looking so vulnerable like she could break at any moment.

Jennie eyes caught a standing figure on the opposite side wearing a Black top with Blue jeans & grey coat looking elegant as her hair perfectly straightened and beautiful brown orbs of her staring Jisoo with soft look who was in middle of both Jennie and Irene.

{ for better understanding thats how they were standing in the hallway:

|bulletin board|
Jennie ————-Jisoo ————-Irene



Jennie always get this burning feeling with twist and turn inside her stomach. She always thought to take away the misery or whatever pain Jisoo was suffering but she couldn't even get past the barrier jisoo has set. no dared to break it and she knows the fact that only Irene has that effect on jisoo which she couldn't have.

'Only Irene can enter Jisoo's heart ,

not her     

not anyone else .......

does Irene have this effect when jisoo is around?

does Seulgi knows about it !! '

Jennie's cloud of thoughts were interested by a loud voice calling jisoo's name,

it was loud enough to get irene's attention as she flinched and smile a little shaking her head and dispersed among the crowd before jisoo could catch her glimse.

as for jisoo she had a frown in her face as she ignored lisa who was running towards her.
lisa jumped for a hug towards jisoo when the latter dodged her making her loose her balance . but jisoo was quick to catch her friend.
"Don't ever do that, and you are late for class , manobal"

and both dorks bickered while heading towards there class.

without noticing a smile plastered on jennie's face by watching how these caring and warmth those bickering duo show which can lift up her mood from drowning as she went to catchup to them.

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