Part 13: Amusement Park

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Everyone were ready and gathered in living room Lisa, yeri and  Jeongyeon were discussing who will win most gifts in amusement park, jennie and jisoo were settled in living room couch waiting for nayeon, chaeyoung, jihyo , seulgi and irene to show there presence.

few seconds latter they came dressed up and joined the group.
jennie caught jisoo staring at irene with sad and longing desires.
"lets go we are getting late" jennie said catching everyone's attention. as they proceeded to there car.

Jihyo, Yeri, joy and wendy were settled in one car,
while blackpink in another and seulgi, irene, nayeon and jeongyeon in one car.


Soon they reached there destination, Jisoo lisa seulgi and jeongyeon went to ticket counter to get tickets while jihyo , yeri and nayeon were freaking like teenagers to decide which ride to take first. while joy was with chaeyoung as both become comfortable around each other easily. there left was jennie and Irene who were silent as irene was feeling awkward so she decided to break this awkwardness

" are you kinda uncomfortable around me"
"uhmm ..." catching jennie off gaurd she said

"its ok jennie, feel free to communicate with me , am not a bad person" irene chuckled a little.

"unnie, am sorry to make you feel awkwar-"

she was cut by jeongyeon
"here's the tickets to enter the paradise!! lets go"

jennie just gave irene a small smile as she grabbed her ticket and went inside the amusement park with others.


Everyone went there way as jeongyeon nayeon with yeri and jihyo went there ways .

As Jisoo - lisa, seulgi - Irene, joy - chaeyoung & wendy - jennie form a group and went together.

Lisa frowned when Joy dragged rose with her, she wanted to spend some time with rose.
"rose you should smile more,
your smile is pretty" joy complements her as rose blushed and hit her arms playfully
"stop it"
"rose !! lets go lets ride this"

as joy slid her arms around rose's waist to drag with her.

watching joy flirting with rose openly is making her blood boil as lisa clenched her fist and her face turned a bit hurt.

this didn't go unnoticed with irene, seulgi jennie and specially jisoo who was just beside her.

she couldn't help but sympathies with her friend so she dragged her to be near joy and rose and grabbed a seat with them so that there seating arrangements is :


By this little act lisa just hugged jisoo who act like she was suffocating but really appreciate her love.
Lisa is happy that she is sitting next to rose as
she slipped her hand to toch rose's pinky finger but what happened next made her Blush hard.

Rose has grabbed her hand and intervened there fingers as the ride started.


After many rides either lisa seat with rose but mostly rose was dragged by joy this really broke lisa's mood.

so she just went with jisoo and ignored rose for the mean time. as jisoo started teasing and troubling her to bring her happy mood back .

jennie smiled seeing both Lisa and Jisoo's strong friendship.
"they are always like this, when will they grow up!! "
wendy said a little anoyed but had a smile on her face

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