Part 7: Lucky charm

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Jisoo stormed out of Jennie's dorm and went to Seulgi's Dorm which is one floor up from there dorm. While walking upstairs she winced in pain with every steps she took. Good thing that Seulgi doesn't share her dorm with others. Sometimes her girlfriend, Irene do visit or stays with her, but they will be enjoying party downstairs at Lisa & Her shared dorm.

She entered Seulgi's dorm and rushed to the bathroom and found the bottle of Painkillers. She took 5 Tablets of it. after few minutes the pain was bearable, she leaned her body on the wall and slid down to relax & closed her eyes.

After few minutes she felt her pain gone, she put the bottle of painkiller in her pocket & went to living room with a first aid kit in her hand.

She was feeling as the painkillers are started take action in her body. she couldn't control her body so she hurriedly with fizzy steps went near the couch just to collapse on it.


Jennie Decided to find jisoo in the party but she was nowhere to be seen. She knows she would not go to far. She found Yeri and Irene standing near the Kitchen so she went there.

"Hi Yeri, Irene unnie"

"HI" said both yeri & Irene

"You are late girl & in your first party" said Yeri to which Irene rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, but am looking for Jisoo,have you seen her? , I couldn't find her anywhere." Jennie replied which caught irene's attention.

"Oh Jennie she doesn't attend the parties, its not her thing. she must be in seulgi's dorm upstairs" jeongyeon came from behind with a beer in her hand,

"Yeah!! she is a light drinker too, So how do you feel about loosing up unnie?" yeri teasingly said

"Yah!! do you have a death wish" Jeongyeon shouted furiously which made both Irene & jennie flinch by surprise.

"Don't do that again" Irene said coldly,

"Sorry unnie" Jeongyeon said sincerely.

As they continued there random talks, Jennie mind was filled with worry for Jisoo. So she sneakily walk out from there & exit the party with heavy breathing she went upstairs to enter seulgi's appartment.

She opened the door to find a sleeping jisoo on the sofa. she took few steps towards her and frowned as she looked at the first aid kit on the table and Jisoo bad lying position on sofa.

She shook jisoo to wake her up but to no avail she took a deep breath and Picked Jisoo up bridal style and went towards the bedroom door she assumes. She was correct to find the bedroom so she placed Jisoo carefully in bed.

"You are a deep sleeper, Kim"

Removing her shoes & socks furrowing her brow.

"You are really stubborn, why didn't anyone noticed this" she said to herself


When Jisoo scored a goal, at the same time a player ran towards Jisoo to snatch the ball from her but resulting in kicking her feet to make her disbalance and the next moment she was on the ground lifeless.

"what the - - -" Jennie muttered nervously

Jennie was watching every move of Jisoo closely at how she pretend to be ok by giving a thumbs up sign to audience, how she stood up and waved her hands with a small smile on her face to let the crowd know she is ok.

But no one, literally no one figured but Jennie was not like others it didn't took her minutes to figure that jisoo was in pain as she was taking slower step & by every step she take she would scrunch her nose a little.

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