Part 67: Last Party of The Season

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     Jisoo dropped her bag on the floor when she entered her room and then instantly went towards her bed and dropped her body and closed her eyes. Soon she felt a presence near her.

She felt a pair hands removed her shoes, it made her eyes open as she stop the hand by grabbing the wrist

"What are you doing jendeuk?" Jisoo said with an annoying tone.

Jennie who was kneeled down on floor near Jisoo. Looked up to her with a blank face.

"What!" Jennie said blankly,

Jisoo moved away from Jennie but Jennie was quick to pull her. By her wrist as she stopped jisoo.

"Let me see!" Jennie stated coldly as she slightly pushed jisoo to bed as she again kneeled down. jisoo knew that she's doomed at that moment.

She removed the shoe from jisoo's feet and then she slowly took the socks away, revealing a red swollen ankle with a bruise.

"It's ok! Jendeuk, it not even hurt mu--" before she could defend herself, Jennie walked out of the room , jisoo looked down on floor and sighed.

She decided to went to bathroom to freshen up and treat her sprained ankle. She just took a step towards the bathroom, when Jennie went in her room with a first aid kit and pulled her again towards her bed to sit.

Jennie placed her sprained feet on her lap once again as she opened the first aid box and started applying ointment.
"You should have treated it earlier, idiot!" Jennie said scrunching up her nose with annoyance as she carefully applied the ointment.

"It's ok, it doesn't hurt much jen-- AAOOUUCH!" Jisoo hissed in pain.

"You were saying!" Jennie said with a smug look on her face while jisoo pouted, as she mumbled "Mean" to her.

Jennie just giggled at her reaction, "stop pouting Chu"

Jennie was done treating her feet. Jisoo took a chance as she pull Jennie on her lap. Jennie caught off-guard as jisoo captured her lips. "Wha--"

Jennie just melted with the kiss as they were passionately kissing each other and backed away when they needed air to breath.
"Congratulations for the big win Chu!" Jennie said softly still catching her breath. Jisoo smiled as leaned her face towards her so that there forehead were touching each other.
"Thank you"
"Let's go! Or we would be late!" Jennie said getting up, making jisoo laid flat on bed with a tired sigh, "can't we just skip the party!"

Jennie just chuckled as she pulled jisoo by her arms,"No way! Not gonna happen, don't be lazy"


    The moment they stepped in the party, there nostrils were filled with smoke and the bitter smell of alcohol. The crowded hall with people enjoying themselves.

When the crowd noticed the star players the immediately dragged Jisoo, Lisa and seulgi away from the girls.

Rosé and Irene followed there respective girlfriends with Jennie behind gigling at them.

in few minutes, Seulgi and Lisa were involved in a dance competition among the crowd. While Irene and rosé were cheering for them. Jennie then moved her vision to find her girl and she found jisoo who was doing beer pong game where her competitor was non other than Kai himself. She gulped hard seeing them having an intense conversation.

"So the star player is about to lose from me , wait and watch" Kai taunted her with a smirk.

"People call me a star player for a reason, Kai" she smirked back with her dominating voice.

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