Part 2: Bad news

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Part 2: Bad News

Next morning both Jennie and chaeyoung woke up to get ready for there official tour of SNU. both eat there breakfast to join the tour. They went near information centre where the found bunch of students who will join there tour. Two new girls one taller and one smaller joined the group standing beside Jennie and Chaeyoung and started commenting "look joy these are our new bunch of kids who will start there hell week" said the smaller one. "Yeri!!" joy warned giving a death glare to yeri . "sorry about that, freshers let me introduce ourselves, myself Joy from music department and beside me is yeri from performing arts we will be your official tour guide for this year" said joy with her apple smile . "ok newbies, now tell me who is Jennie Kim among you all" asked yeri. with her one raised eyebrow. everyone stared at each other when Jennie cleared her throat feeling nervous but faking a poker expressionless face"here". Yeri jumped a little by surprise & looked at Jennie up and down while smirking "so you are the one who broke the monster Kim record. You both even have same surname jeez.. Two Kims both got first position in scholarship test in SNU History , a tie for first position. 

"RESPECT Girl" Yeri gave her a salute and joy chuckled lightly. Jennie was feeling very shy with these complements & also wondered about another Kim, noticing that discomfort look on Jennie joy cleared her throat and ask the students to start there tour. while rose whispered to Jennie giving her a wink "unnie!! you are getting popular already ". Jennie knows younger will tease her more so she just ignored it and focused on there tour. During the tour Yeri & Joy showed us different departments , buildings, gardens, shared some history of SNU with us. In just a moment Yeri & Joy stopped with an evil look on there faces , all students were confused , one student was trying to ask but Joy raised her hand to stop him she scream whispered " our President is coming , i want everyone to greet her loudly" without any question all students agreed , Chaennie were confused at that time. But then a beautiful brunette with slim figure, light and bright skin, V line face, small lips, and larger eyes plus double eyelids, a classic beauty with emphasis on the eyes. who seems to be busy in her books was walking towards there direction. Students were making way for her like she is the Queen of SNU

'well she is the student president of SNU afterall you can't expect less, do you?

Yeri signaled the students & everyone greeted her loudly "GOOD MORNING MISS PRESIDENT" Due to the loud greeting , president took a step back with scared expression & her left hand to her chest, while screaming a little " AAA!! JOY!! YERI !!" Huffi...

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Yeri signaled the students & everyone greeted her loudly "GOOD MORNING MISS PRESIDENT" Due to the loud greeting , president took a step back with scared expression & her left hand to her chest, while screaming a little " AAA!! JOY!! YERI !!" Huffing her breath she calmed a bit & gave death glares to Joy & Yeri who were laughing there ass off. "Unnie,.. hihi.. i..should..hihi,,have recorded that scared expression of yours," yeri said while controlling her laughter. joy recovered from laughing straighten her position saying "don't worry unnie , we were just giving these newbies the tour". President then approach the crowd with her calm & professional manner" Hi everyone, myself Bae Irene your Student President of SNU, its always good to see new faces here, sorry on behalf of Joy & Yeri if they were troubling you please ignore there silly banters & mistakes . Joy & Yeri whined a little while president took her leave as she has urgent matter to do.

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