Part 26: The Past

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This morning was different as Jennie woke up early. She moved to her side and saw jisoo by her side sleeping peacefully snuggling to her. one hand of her was wrapped around Jennie's hand, while other was below her own head. Sleeping on same bed was there routine from the time they started eating there dinner together. while jisoo found her comfort place beside jennie without knowing how much the younger has a effect on her. Jisoo is not clingy by nature but she got this habit of grabbing Jennie's one hand in hers to sleep.

'hope every morning i wake up i see you . how can one be this beautiful'   Jennie thought

Jennie Stood up from the bed carefully without waking Jisoo. She did her morning routine, by the time she went out of the bathroom and saw jisoo sitting on the bed looking at her.

"Morning , do you had a great sleep"

"Morning jennie yeah i do!! you left me here" jisoo pouted a little . the sight is so soft for jenie she just chuckled and made her way towards jisoo and ruffled her hair.

"stop sulking and get ready, you have already missed yesterday classes and practice"

Jisoo nodded her head and went to do her morning routine.


Jisoo, Lisa, Rose and Jennie were seated in the cafeteria having there lunch as usual. While the unnies were into there food , Lisa and Rose shared a look nodding there head and then Lisa cleared her throat to grab there attention

"Uhmm... Guys i was thinking , Me and Rose were always together these days as we always slept in the same dorm"

"You mean in the same bed" Jisoo said sassily .

"As if you don't " Lisa said pointing at both Jennie and jisoo with her chopstick.

"Yeah but we don't eat each other-- Ouch Jennie" Jisoo couldn't complete her sentence as jennie hit her head playfully .

"Don't say crap in front of my salad" Jennie scolded her and then glared at Lisa too "And you too"

Lisa nodded her head fast. Rose heaved a sigh and placed her chopstick on the table and said " Unnie , The point is we suggested that if we can exchange our dorm."

Jennie and jisoo looked at her confused.

"She means that , Me and rose can share a dorm and you both can take another dorm as we are practically living like that" Lisa explained while looking at her unnies who had this blank expression on there faces.

" we a-are just s-suggesting if y-you both aren't c-comfortable than its ok with us" Rose said.

"OK" Jennie said which give relief to both maknaes but then all three looked at Jisoo who had a scowl on her face.

Jennie hit her side with elbowed and looked at her for response.


"say something they are waiting for your answer" jennie asked as jisoo looked at there faces with a serious expression

"uhmm i didn't like the taste of this if you are looking for an answer" she replies as she picked the salad leaves from her bowl while chuckling.

Jennie again flicked her head. while Jisoo winced in pain rubbing the spot.

"She is ok with it girls" Jennie replied and soon she heard them squealing like the school girls.

"Aish why are you both so loud" Jennie said annoyingly while jisoo just smiled and shaked her head in response.

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