Part 42: Rich Hags and there Reputation

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Jeongyeon helped Jisoo out of the hospital as she has been discharged. Nayeon was sitting in the car waiting for them. when both Jisoo and Jeongyeon entered the car

"Lets go shall we" jeongyeon said sitting on the shotgun seat while jisoo was at the back

"First we have to go to Police station"nayeon said looking from the rear view mirror.
"why?"  jisoo asked her

"police called us saying to come by as they have already arrested the kids and there parents are there too".  nayeon said casually by hitting the gas pedal.

Soon they arrived at the police station.
"you both go inside i'll follow you up , ill just park the car"

both Jisoo and Jeongyeon nodded and went out of the car. Nayeon went to the car parking. she parked the car and then roam her eyes around the parking soon she found the familiar car in the parking lot.

Nayeon smiled as she approached the car. she knocked on the car window. the car window slid down .

"looking hot Bae!!" nayeon said and entered the car in passenger seat.

" am I  Nayeon!" Irene giggled when she removed her black sunglasses from her eyes.

she hit her arms slightly, "you need to change your cold aura bae, People might have thought you are a serial killer"
Nayeon said laughing while irene glared at her coldly.
" are you done!! by the way you didn't inform me beforehand about it"
"Girl, You are so busy now a days... anyway Jisoo made me promise not to mention it to others. but in all seriousness, How did you find about jisoo"

" I found out this morning, when i was on my way to campus, i saw the crowd and some police cars around the store. I investigate a little and BAM . here we are"
"You really are scary when it comes to Chu!!"
Nayeon said softly. Irene sighed tiredly

"so are the kids ok?" Nayeon asked curiously
"yeah they were under aged so i did nothing but i just threatened the police officials, they would help you out."

"why do i have a feeling, this is gonna be nasty inside, Jisoo would be furious on me when she find that out"
"Deal with it, Its your punishment for not informing about jisoo beforehand" Irene said smirking.
Nayeon slumped her shoulder defeatedly and said
"look women , You don't even meet me often now a days , you always say you are busy.... I am tired of handling you two sisters"

"Sorry to cause you problems nayeon, But we both sisters trust you, so deal with it"
"you are a bitch, Bae Joohyun"
nayeon said in a annoyance and went out of the car while irene laughed her ass off.
Irene then wear her sunglasses and ride away .


Inside the Police station, Jisoo and jeongyeon was sitting with the police officer as there was an old man around his 60s. Mr choi,  the owner of the store. He was apologising to jisoo.

"am sorry, Jisoo you have to suffer from it" Mr choi said

"Its ok Mr Choi its not your fault" jisoo said sincerely. while jeongyeon was sitting beside her.

"I'll give you some time off till you recover and won't even cut your salary"Mr Choi said warmly.

"Thank you Mr Cho—"Jisoo said

"That won't be necessary, I think she will resign " Mr Choi, Nayeon came as she interrupted them.

"What!! No" Jisoo raised a voice at her.
"Don't be a fool , If you want me to cooperate, then you should cooperate with me too"
"thats not fair" She grumpily said
"Nothing is fair in this world, My love" Nayeon said flipping her hair.

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