Part 62: Try Dating and You Will Know

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"So what!"
"you don't have to be jealous chaeng, She is just a friend" Lisa whined as she pulled her by her waist as she kissed her cheeks.

"I don't care! She should know that you are taken" Rosé who turn around to face her angrily and put her hands on her nape and pulled her closer to crash her lips on hers.

They pulled away from there heated kiss when they needed air, Lisa was panting heavily while smiled like a fool.

"What!" rose asked getting annoyed at her.
"I like it when my girl gets jealous!" Lisa said as she steal a kiss on her lips leaving rosé dumbfounded.

"Get a room you two!"
Jennie and seulgi made a disgusting face at them while teasing them.
"Leave us alone you two, don't come to me for advice to upgrade your boring love life" Lisa teased them both making them shut up but then they shouted at her at the same time

"That was rude, Lisa" Irene said while laughing at them.
"They started it first unnie !" Lisa said pointing at the trouble maker duo seulgi and jennie.
"Lets go, we are getting AACHOO!! late for our class.
"You should take rest unnie!" Rosé said
"I'll after i complete my today's university schedule "jisoo said as they entered there class.


After there class was over, Jennie and jisoo went to there next class while seulgi and lisa have different schedules and sane goes to rosé and Irene.

Jennie entered the class with jisoo, They took there seats but jennie's gaze went to a particular person, Kim Jongin(Kai)

Kai also felt someone's gaze on him so he looked back to catching jennie watching him, But she shifted her gaze back to the front.

Kai sighed as he went back to focus in his work.


after the class ended, Jennie tried to approach Kai but before she could do anything Jisoo blocked her view as she gave her a sly smile.

"Whats with the smile?" Jennie said teasingly, now she forgot everything in the world when jisoo is around her.

"Nothing, Lets go!" jisoo said still having that smile on her face.
"Ok" jennie replied but an evil idea popped on her mind when she kissed her near the lips.

Jisoo couldn't figure out what had happened as she became a blushing mess.

Jennie bit her lower lip to suppress herself from laughing at her as she dragged jisoo out of the class towards the cafeteria.

Jisoo couldn't help but to follow jennie wherever she take her!


Jisoo went with seulgi and lisa for the practice for the last game of the season. While Irene has to attend some Student council meetings while rosé suggested to watch the practice of her lover.

Jennie also joined rosé to watch the girls practice hard for the game. But most anticipated part for Jennie and Rosé was to watch there girls in a sporty uniform covered with sweat making there petite body shine. There muscular arm muscles can be seen with there hard core abs when they lift up there tshirt to wipe the sweat of them and a killer ponytail to complete the look, Voila!

Jennie was so mesmerised but it was disturbed when she caught a glimpse of Kai leaving from there sides.

"I'll be back in few minutes rosé"
She quickly get up from a seat and took a leave from there without receiving the response from rosé.

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