Part 11: like a Family

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Rain was pouring hard and thunder strike sounds were heard. Inside the villa everyone sleeping peacefully but cold wind and a loud thunder made Jennie jerk up from her sleep and dark moonlight surrounded the room engulfing her vision.

As gush of cold wind blew from the open window of balcony making her shiver, she woke up to close the window.

After closing it, she went towards the bed to settle when she look towards Jisoo with sleepy eyes who was curled up on her side of the bed, breathing heavily and her eyes shut tightly, tears rolling down from it.

The girl in front of her was in a vulnerable state, that it breaks her heart.

Another Loud thunder from outside was heard which make Jisoo curled up more with her knees near her chest trembling with fear

'Is she having a bad nightmare'

Jennie got alert and went near her, she noticed her lips were trembling mumbling coherent words which she couldn't understand.

Jennie switched on the night lamp on the bed-side table for some light, she then shake jisoo lightly to by her shoulder to wake her up from her nightmare.

but to her avail, Jisoo just started sobbing harder.

"n-n-no,..... n-n-no......n-n-no"

"Jisoo wake up! "

"D-Don't...D-Don't l-leave"


she lightly said, trying her best to wake her up, she can't stand seeing jisoo like this.

she suddenly went to hug her tightly with Jisoo's sobbing face into her chest breathing heavily, with her right hand palm rubbing her back lightly in up and down in a soothing motion and my left hand circled around her at the back of her neck.

she gives kisses to her head & sometimes on her exposed shoulders to calm her down.

"shh, take it easy, Listen to my voice baby

Breath in!

breath out!

Breath in!

breath out!

like this baby,

its ok, its just a dream"
Jennie whispered the words into her ears.

but Jisoo just snuggled closer with her nose on her neck tightly , still sobbing hard making her shoulders wet with tears, shivering with fear as there was no space between them.

Jennie's forgot breathing for a second when she realized how close she is to jisoo now, her vanilla scent is engulfing her mind like an addiction. It made her heart filled with warm feelings, the feel of jisoo in her arms.

'Get your head out of gutter Jennie, this situation is not right to think like this you maniac'

she scolded herself mentally but her trance broke soon as the door of there room opened revealing a worried Lisa running up to them and took a seat beside her.

behind her a nervous chaeng also be seen in front of the door.

Lisa gave a sympathy look to jennie while she calming jisoo. Lisa runs her hand up and down to jisoo's arms to relax. chaeyoung was watching them with worried look as tears were rolling down her cheeks but she just wiped them away fast.

Soon after jennie noticed her shoulder getting heavy as jisoo's breathing got even, which means jisoo is relaxed and into her dreamland.

She put her into bed carefully as she was so fragile to break her , she put the duvet over her.

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