Part 50: Put a Full-Stop

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Jisoo opened her eyes slowly when she felt a severe pain on her head. It felt like her whole body was burning.

When she opened her eyes she saw the white sealing above her she roam her eyes around the room slowly. Her gaze softened when she saw How jennie is sleeping with her head on seulgi's shoulder while Rosé is sleeping on Lisa's lap.

she flinched wen she heard a familiar voice.
"You're awake!"

Her eyes opened wide in shock, Jisoo couldn't believe her eyes, Jin was sitting beside her. She furrowed brows when Jin chuckled.

"w-what s-so f-funny?" she asked in a groggy and husky voice as she tried to sit.

he helped her sit and gave her water to drink.

"I think you hit your head hard, you should be smiling seeing your brother , 'The World Wide Handsome'!!" Jin said dramatically

"The World Wide handsome" Jisoo mouthed with in a low voice and rolled her eyes. She groaned in pain as she put her left hand on her forehead.

"I'll call the doctor" he stood up from her seat to call the doctor .

In the meantime, flashbacks came in front of her eyes when she felt a severe pain on her head again.

She remembered she last saw Irene. Maybe she was hallucinating , Why would Irene cone to her, No way. She won't even want to see her. But there was 0.001chance that she saw Irene.

The door opened and doctor with Jin behind rushing towards her. By the time she was being checked up by doctor she got surrounded by Lisa seulgi jennie and rosé as they woke up when they heard the rush inside the room.

Doctor inject some pain killer to her. He said explaining to her.
"Miss kim,  I have injected some painkillers so you will feel much better now. You are not physically fine, Your body has been exhausted because of workload and you have been in high fever due to being in the rain storm for god knows so many hours.
Your body temperature is down a bit but you will feel soreness in your body. My advice is to you is just rest and take your meds on time and don't stress, ok"

Then Irene entered the room with a police officer behind. Jisoo looked at them with confusion in her head.

"Miss Kim, Hope you are doing ok, May I ask you some question regarding your case" Officer asked her and she gave him a small nod.

"Miss Kim, Do you frequently suffer the bullying done on you?"

Jisoo scrunched up her nose in annoyance as she shook her head, Before she could say anything Irene beat her "Yes officer! she does" Irene looked at her in anger and annoyance but she stayed quiet.

"Miss kim, Do you know who did this to you ?"

Jisoo shook her head as a No,

"Kai and Sehun!" Irene spoke making jisoo rolling her eyes.

"Do you know that the resort staff who was to accompany you is o the run, Is he responsible for your condition?"

"No officer, Thanks for the concern"

"Thats for now miss kim, Now rest assured i'll look after this case" And he left.

Jisoo tiredly settled herself on the bed. Jennie nudged her while pushing meds in front of her. "Can't i just sleep and don't take meds" Jisoo said jokingly which earned her a slap on her arms.

"Kim Jisoo!" Jennie scolded her giving her meds
while others laughed at her.

"Now I may take a leave, rest well and eat health" Doctor said patting Jisoo's head and left.

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