Part 22: Feelings

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This chilly morning, Jisoo woke up as she had good sleep last night. She did her morning routine and made her way to living room. She get shocked when she saw a figure seating in the dinning table who is lost in her own thought.

Jisoo smirked as she tiptoed her way behind that figure.


"AAAaaah!! Unnie Don't do that, I can get a heart attack" Lisa said while she was rubbing one hand to her chest trying to calm her breathing.

Jisoo was laughing her ass off.

"Sorry , I couldn't help it"

Jisoo said and went to kitchen to pour her some coffee.

"Who made this ?" Jisoo pointed at the bread egges & sausages with some vegetables as side dishes for breakfast was already made.

"Oh , Rosie came earlier she said she had made enough breakfast for Four so she shared with Us"

Jisoo humed as a response as she settled herself in dining table joining Lisa.


Jisoo knows that tone Lisa uses when she was in dilema and being serious about it.

Jisoo hummed to continue. Lisa looked at her feeling a little shy to ask.

"Uhh.. I had a friend who is stuck in a situation, and i want to help her but i don't know what to do Please help me"

Jisoo who was eating her food from the right hand and her left hand was busy scrolling on her phone.

"Ok , Who is that friend ? do i know her"

"No, she is new and is from the dance club" Lisa said looking nervous , which didn't go unnoticed from Jisoo, who was mentally laughing at the younger but was looking composed from the outside.

"Hmm.. so whats is her problem then?"

" Her problem , right.. her problem is , she uh kinda like a girl "

"That's Good , whats the problem in that"

"she really don't know if she should ask the girl to officially be her girlfriend "

Jisoo lift her head from her phone and looked at lisa and said " Its simple, The girl wants to make her girlfriend then she should not waste any time otherwise, anyone can snatch her lover"

"But what if the other girl doesn't like m-- my friend?" Lisa looked at her with her puppy eyes innocently.

Jisoo Gave her a warming smile and said
"Its her decision if she reciprocate the feelings your friend is feeling right now, Life is too short and we have to make decisions so that we don't regret it later.
So my advise would be to go and try your luck before its too late" she Picked hers & Lisa plate and placed in the kitchen sink , and went towards Lisa and patted her shoulder and gave her a kiss on cheeks.

"Go get your girl Lisa!! " she said and left Lisa who was red in embarrassment.


Campus was busy and crowded as always, jisoo was walking towards her class with a blank face but with a good vibe.

A boy tall and buffed up body just passed by her and hit her shoulder from his making her groan in pain on her shoulder.

boy said sheepishly

jisoo just shook it off and smiled saying its ok and left.
the boy was smirking at the retreating figure of jisoo.

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